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mute- a person who does not speak, either from an inability to speak or an unwillingness to speak.

Hi, I'm Raidon. I'm a Junior at Cruz High. I'm 16 and I don't talk much. Most people call me a mute. I just don't talk, even to my parents. Idk y I just don't want to. Although it could be because I'm deaf.

The only person I 'talk' to is my best friend Brailynn. She's the complete opposite of me. She's your typical outgoing, smart and pretty girl that everyone loves. Everyone at school usually make fun of me and avoid me cause they think I'm weird.

I started to ignore them, knowing that they call me names behind my back because they know I can't hear. When she moved here sophomore year, she was nice to me and got me to open up to her. But its not a lot, I 'say' a few sentences at a time. I learned to read lips well so she didn't have to learn sign language.

I never associated myself with anyone besides her...until he showed up and made his way into my mind.


Hey guys! So, whatcha think so far?

Ik, ur probably thinking y didn't she update Triple Threat. Well I got a new idea and had to start it. Sorry to say Triple Threat will kind've be on hold. But I will still update when I can.

Anyways hope you like Mute!


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