Chp. 4

330 23 13

Raidon POV

Once Brailynn finished dolling me up we sat on our phones waiting on Kevin to come pick us up. My phone vibrated, I got a new message.

Kevin: ayy, im here

Me: ok we coming

I tapped Brailynn and signed, Come on. Kevin here!

She jumped up and we walked out to Kev's car. I noticed that there was another boy in the front seat with Kev. He was darker than Kevin, had black hair with blonde tips and hazel eyes. 

I looked at Brailynn who was already looking at me like, Ohh! He's fine.

When we got to the car Kevin got out and opened the door for us. Once we were all in he drove off. 

Kevin looked back at us through his mirror and I watched him say, "Hope you two don't mind but I brought my bro Devin to hang with us."

I looked at Brailynn who said, "It's fine, a friend of yours is a friend of ours. " 

She stuck her hand out to Devin and said, " I'm Brailynn and this is Raidon." 

He shook her hand then mine and while saying something. I looked at Brailynn.

"He said Nice to meet you guys.", she signed. 

I shook my head showing that I understood. Devin looked like he was confused.

I watched Kevin say, "Oh, yea Raidon is deaf. That's why Brailynn was doing sign language." 

I looked at Devin his face showed recognition.  Once we arrived at Aubrey's house we all got out of the car and walked to the door. There were kids out on the lawn smoking, and it smelt like they weren't only smoking cigarettes.

When we walked in a whiff of alcohol and musty people hit me. Some people need to invest in some deodorant. Everyone inside was dancing all over each other.

I saw Aubrey headed our way. She was making googly eyes at Kevin.

I watched her say, "Glad you showed up, save me a dance."

She winked at him and walked away. Brailynn rolled her eyes.

I tapped Brailynn and signed, Go have fun, I'm going to the bathroom. 

"Ok, I'll be with Kevin and Devin." She mouthed.

I nodded my head and walked through the house looking for a bathroom. I ran into a few couples making out in the hallways. I looked at the end of the hallway and finally found a bathroom. I walked in and locked the door. After doing my business and washing my hands I looked in the mirror.

How am I going to pull this off. Usually I'm not a party person but something made me want to come to this one. Actually someone but I know it will never happen. He has girls all over him at school.

I walked out the bathroom looking for Brailynn. I saw her dancing with Devin. Seems they hit it off. Where's Kevin?

While I'm searching someone taps me on the shoulder. I jump a little and turn around. It's Kevin.

"You look beautiful tonight.", I watch him mouth.

Thx. I sign while looking at the ground. It gives me butterflies at the fact that he said that. Wait! I just met him a few days ago.

Kevin grabbed my chin and signed, "Your welcome, wanna dance?"

Sure. I signed back.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. I couldn't hear the music of course but I watched Kevin's mouth because he was singing the songs. We danced and had fun until Aubrey came out of nowhere and tapped Kevin.

"Save me a dance?" she said batting her eyes.

I looked at Kevin he rolled his eyes, "No. Sorry not sorry."

I smirked. Aubrey looked at me and said, "Why are you smirking! He's only hanging with you because he feels sorry for you."

My smile turned into a glare. This chick be going 0-100 real quick. (peep the lyrics. ;P)

Kevin looked irritated and said to her, "I'll have you know that I don't hang with her cause I feel sorry for her. I hang with her because she has twice the heart you'll ever have. You could learn a few things from her, like to keep your mouth shut. If you think bringing other people down will get you friends, think again."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a empty room. I saw Aubrey making a face while we were walking away. I gave him a look saying thanks.

"Don't worry about Aubrey. She makes fun of you cause she knows your better than her.", Kevin mouthed.

I looked him in the eyes. Did you really mean what you said about me? I signed.

"Every word." He said while smiling.

We stared at each other and I saw his eyes drop to my lips. He started to lean in and I followed. When our lips connected I felt a spark. Our lips moved in sync, not stopping to breathe.

I pulled away realized what just happened and ran out of the room. Brailynn saw me and stopped me.

"What happened?" she signed.


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