Chp. 5

301 22 3

Kevin POV - (Didn't see that comin did ya) ;)

I sat there shocked. Why did Raidon run away? I have to go talk to her.

I got up from the bed and walked back to the main room of the party looking for Raidon. I spotted her talking to Brailynn. I ran over to them and tapped Raidon.

"What happened?" I said.

She looked at the ground. I put my hand under her chin and gently lifted her face up to look at me. Her eyes showed embarrassment, fear and something else I couldn't read.

"If you don't feel comfortable we can slow it down a little bit. And if you just don't feel the same way I'm fine with that. I'll do whatever makes you happy, even if it hurts." I told her.

She shook her head no and signed. No, I do like you and you don't have to slow down. But...

"But what?" I cut her off.

I just thought you wouldn't like me. I mean when you kissed me I freaked out a little. And-

I cut her off by kissing her. She was shocked at first, but after a few seconds she relaxed.

"Your right I don't like you..." her face dropped, "I think might even be in love with you. I know it sounds crazy cause we met like a week ago but in that week I liked you even more each day. Any guy would be lucky to have you, so don't put your self down. You have a perfect personality and your smile can light up a whole room.", I said hoping she wouldn't put herself down like that.

She smiled her million dollar smile. I like you a lot too. And thanks for boosting my confidence. She signed.

Brailynn squealed then said, "Ask her out already!"

I grabbed Raidon's hands and said, "So, will you make me the luckiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?" 

Yes!  she signed.

I picked her up and kissed her. I heard Aubrey walk past saying, "Ugh!"

Once I put Raidon down I asked her, "Ready to go home? I think we've had enough drama for the night."

"I second that!" Brailynn said.

Raidon shook her head yes. I noticed Devin was standing next to Brailynn. I see they are getting along well, I hoped they did.

We all grabbed our stuff and headed to my car. Once everybody was in I started the car and drove off.

"First stop, Raidon's house?" I asked looking at the girls through the mirror.

"Yea, I'm staying at her house tonight." Brailynn answered.

"Aight" I replied.

After we got to Raidon's house I got out and opened her door, Devin did the same for Brailynn. We walked the girls to the house and stopped once we got to the door.

Thanks for getting us into the party. Raidon signed.

"You're welcome. See ya soon." I said then I pecked her lips.

She smiled and then waited for Brailynn.

Brailynn and Devin exchanged numbers and hugged then Brailynn said "Bye guys!" 

We waved. As soon as they were in the house we headed home. Tonight was lit! I had fun at a party and now I can call the girl I love mine.


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