Chp. 2

344 26 7

Lunch- Raidon's POV

We were sitting at lunch. So far Kevin has all the same classes as me and Brailynn. He's pretty lit to hang with.

Brailynn tapped my shoulder and showed me a note, "What happened to he'll be all over Aubrey by lunch?"

I looked at her and she was smirking. I rolled my eyes and noticed Aubrey walking towards our table.

Oh no, what does she want? I thought.

She started talking to Kevin and I read her lips, "Hey, I'm Aubrey. Why sit with the Mute and her friend when you can sit with me and the popular kids?"

I glared at her. Brailynn got up and said, "Excuse me!"

"What, it's the truth!" I watched Aubrey say.

Kevin got up looking annoyed and said something to Aubrey. She was irritated, I noticed she still had her tray in her hand. She walked to me glaring and dumped her entire tray of food on me.

Spoke too soon, Brailynn. He isn't all over Aubrey, but her food sure is all over me. I thought very irritated.

I jumped up and wiped cheese off my face. I looked around the cafeteria and noticed everyone had been watching us. They were all laughing at me. My eyes started to tear up. I started to run towards the door of the cafeteria. Kevin tried to stop me but I pulled my arm away and ran to the nearest bathroom.

I furiously wiped my face thinking, Wait, why am I even giving her the time of day.

I started pacing back and forth fuming. Why can't people just accept that I'm different. They take advantage of being able to hear and not having any disabilities. I thought.

After a while I stopped and cleaned my face and clothes. I never thought it was possible to get so much spaghetti in your hair. Brailynn came running in the bathroom with clothes in her hand.

Brailynn looked at me and mouthed, "Don't worry about Aubrey she's just jealous! And here I have some extra clothes." I smiled.

When I was done changing I walked out the bathroom and noticed Kevin sitting outside the girls bathroom. He looked frustrated with himself. When he noticed me he jumped up and hugged me.

I watched him mouth, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have let this happen babygirl."

I signed, It's okay I'm used to it. It's not your fault anyways, its your first day here. There's nothing you could have done to stop her.

It's good to know that he has my back. Also that he doesn't like Aubrey. Wait! He called me babygirl!?! It's probably nothing.

Oh. I forgot I haven't told you about Aubrey. She's your typical head cheerleader, who has all the boys going for her. But she's a bitxh and has dated all the boys in this school.

Kevin is her next target.

*Time Skip*

Schools finally over. Brailynn had to stay after school to retake a test or something. That meant I didn't have a ride home because Jalen was going to a friends house after school. And his car is nowhere in sight. We walked out to the parking lot and Kevin tapped me.

"You got a ride home?" he mouthed.

No. I signed looking embarrassed.

"I'll give you a ride where do you live?" he asked.

I wrote down my address and showed it to him.

"Oh! I just moved on that street!" he mouthed.

Cool. I signed.

Today sure was stressful, but it was worth it. I might have another friend who is willing to stick up for me. And maybe become more later on... Wait! No we just met today, it would never happen anyways.


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