Chapter 8 ;

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"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Because I heard you're sick so I came here"

"But wooseok do you even know my address?"

"Nope, Hyunggu brought me here" He stood away and Hyunggu was just standing at the door. I looked at him blankly.

He walked to the kitchen without any words spoken and pulled Yuto out of the kitchen,

"What are you doing I'm just here to visit her" Yuto asked.

He kept a straight face and said nothing then locked Yuto outside of the house. He turned around. I was shocked so I jumped up a little.

"Are you getting better?" Hyunggu asked. He came and touched my forehead.

"Slightly better, good." He said.

Hyunggu then looked at Wooseok all of a sudden.

—; ❀

"So you both are roommates?" Wooseok asked as we ate the food Yuto brought.

"Uhm yeah" I said.

"No" Hyunggu cut in.

Please, do you think people are going to believe you're a devil?

"Well you do who knows others will too" He said.

"I'm a devil" He then continued.

I smacked my hands on my forehead. Aih yaih yaih such a pain in the ass.

"Uh- haha- yeah- you're kidding right" Wooseok said awkwardly and looked at me.

Sigh I guess I should confess then.

"Long story short I came back from the hospital once and he's already here. Claiming that he's a devil and he's here to help me and look over me"

"Owh- kay- I think I should go now" Wooseok said and got up.

I held his sleeves and gave him the "Bro,  really?" face.

He looked at me seriously and squeezed his eyebrows, meaning "are you serious?"

I nodded my head. He cleared his throat and sat back down.

"Just keep this within ourselves okay?" I said.

"Why can't it be spreaded?" Hyunggu asked.

I sighed.

"People will treat you differently" I explained, like a mom.


"They might hate or scared you, think you're weird, isolate you, or even bully thinking you're insane"


"Because they'll think you made it up, most people on the earth don't believe these things"

"But you didn't treat me differently"

I opened my mouth, but said nothing. Yeah you're right.

"Well I won't too it's cool, to me" Wooseok said.

"Thanks" Hyunggu smiled, sincerely. He looks so happy and relieved, looking at him smiling I smiled too.

 —; ❀  

Wooseok left and I went back to sleep, I'm mentally and physically exhausted because of the fever even when I barely did anything.

"What's that?" I said as I woke up by some good smell. I walked out of the living room and woAH HYUNGGU IS COOKING. Now that's cool.

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