Chapter 11 ;

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Days later, it was recess time and yanan went up to Yuto.

"Annyeong chingu" He said as usual.

"Oh hello aren't you the one sitting beside ryujin"

Yuto was observing everything, though.

"Yeah there's something I'd like to ask you"

"Yeah sure anything"

"Why are you so clingy towards her though?"

Yuto kept quiet.

"I don't know just- it's a secret" Yuto said.

Yanan was confused, he looked at Yuto and slowly slided away.

"You creepy shit" yanan whispered to himself.

When he turned around, Hyojung was at the basketball court. Yanan ran to him.

"Annyeong chingu"

Hyojung glanced at him,

"What do you want"

"Well, just curious why are you like that to ryujin"

Hyojung threw the ball but missed it. He turned to yanan.

"Nothing she just looks scary" He mumbled.

"How is she scary I know you're lying you missed the goal and you're mumbling now" yanan proved.

"I- leave me alone don't get into this thing"

He threw the ball and walked away.

'Why are they like that can't they just tell me something' Yanan thought and sighed.


"Ryujin" Yanan called me.

"怎样了? (How was it?)"

"芋头说是个秘密, 孝钟说没东西只是你长得恐怖 (yuto said its a secret, hyojung said nothing, just that you look scary)"

"... 那要我怎样, 整容吗- 切 那芋头也是的, 什么秘密嘛 (then what can I do, plastic surgery? Psh that yuto too, what kind of secret is it)"

"不知道两个人就是很古怪 (I don't know, both of them are weird)"

"哎 那没东西了 谢谢你啊 (aih then there's nothing already, thank you)"

"不用 没帮到多少 (no need to thank, I didn't help much too)"

"没啦 走 上课咯 (no its fine, lets go, class is starting)"

He nodded and we went back to class.

—; ❀

It was P.E class I changed into a loose white t shirt and a black workout shorts.

We went to the basketball court as the coach ordered us. We started by warming up, have some cardio exercises.

"Okay so today we're going to have a few rounds of basketball match alright?" The coach said but the students whined.

"Don't worry take it as a game not a competition, don't be sad if you lose and don't be proud if you win"

We get into a line and divide into team A and team B, if the first person in the line is team A, second person will be team B, third person will be team A and this goes on.

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