Chapter 18 ;

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yeah I'm back- after like- a year- I forget to publish the drafts are in the basement for like a year 💀💀

"He's so weird" I whispered to Yanan.

"Told you he likes you"

I smacked him.

"Alright students take out your geography textbook please" The teacher came in and said.

"Eughhhh" We all whined.

"Come on it's just an hour and a half, I'll let you guys move around and if we finished the chapter fast, I'll let you guys play for a bit"

"YAYYYYY" We cheered as most of the pupils moved their places.

But as I checked my bag again and again, shit where's my textbook. I rummaged my bag all over but still couldn't find it.

At this moment, coincidentally Hyojung moved to a place near Ryujin, he was at her right. He saw her seem to be panicking then he realised she couldn't find her book.

He slipped his book on Ryujin's table but-

"Take mine" Wooseok said as he threw his book on my table  from the left.

"What no"

"No you should take mine" Hyojung said.

Suddenly Hyunggu passed me his book from behind,

"Ryujin you can take my book"

I turned around and he smiled.

"Uhm guys-" I said.

"Use my book" Yuto passed his book to me from the front.

"Ryujin" The teacher asked.

"Y- y- yes?" I stood up and asked timidly.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I forgot to bring my-" I said but someone cut me off

"Teacher I left my book at home" Wooseok stood up.

"I forgot to bring my textbook" Hyunggu stood up too

"I didn't bring my book" Yuto stood up.

"My dog ate my book" Followed by Hyojung. We looked at him with loathe.

"ISH GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" She raged. I lowered my head down and headed out.

"LIFT YOUR HANDS UP IN THE AIR" she continued.

I sighed as I walked to my position and raise my hands up. It's been half an hour only and my hands were already absolutely sore. I whined subtly and kept tilting my head and my legs were trembling.

Yuto took a glance at Ryujin and he sighed,

I looked at Yuto as he suddenly held my wrist, making me don't know what to do. I was half grateful half disgusted still. I averted my eyes away.

Hyojung stared at Yuto and he reached his hands out, Wooseok pushed him away,

"Don't you touch her you can't even reach her" He said.

I felt someone grabbing my free hand, I looked to the left it's Wooseok.

"Making your life easier" He said.

I lowered my head and sighed.

Hyojung was raging aside looking at how Wooseok is treating her, thinking why can't that be him.

The class was dismissed and the teacher came out staring at us but we looked away.

 —; ❀ 

"Alright class today's topic for social skills is, boys & girls"

The boys started to sing to Zico's boys and girls.

"Haha okay okay students let's go to the hall"

We walked to the hall and teacher wanted us to sit in a circle.

"This will be like a truth section! Ask questions that's related to the topic! Let's start with Wendy!"

It's kind of a section where you talk about homosexuals, bisexuals, relationship and more. There was a bottle at the middle for us to spin.

"Yuto!" Teacher said.

"If you could like a girl and she will like you back but you need to sacrifice something that worths really much to you, will you like her?" Cass asked.

"Yes of course" Yuto smiled and he seem to be kind of smirking, he looked at me and I averted my eyes away, sctatching my face.

"He's really weird I can't stand him" I whispered subtly to huitaek that sat on my left.

"Everything's obvious girl" he said.

"Alright next is Hyojung" Teacher said then she walked out.

"The show is starting" Shinwon said sitting at my right while nudging my arms.

"shHhh don't even" I said.

"Briefly talk about your crush and what you wanna say if you have one" Jinho shouted as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes and facepalmed.

"She is the most beautiful person I've ever met she's more than an angel, she's kind, she's smart, she's open minded she's perfect" Hyojung talked.

"oOoooo" Shinwon nudged my arms more.

"Stop before I make you lose your father's day" I said then he shut up.

"We may not have much interactions but I just want to say" He suddenly stood up.

"I really like you since the day I fall in love with you" he continued.

"Does he even make sense lol" I laughed.


What the actual fucc? Did he come out from the mental problem hospital? What is he saying? He ran to me all of a sudden I was too shock that I didn't know what to do so I was stunned there.

GOD DAMN IT HE HUGGED ME ASDFGHJKL I DON'T EVEN HAVE 5 SENTENCES OF TALK WITH HIM. I showed loathe afterwards then someone pulled him away.

"YANAN!" I shouted as Yanan pushed Hyojung to the floor. Hyunggu came to kicked him in the stomach. I tried to pull them back but I'm just a small girl. They started to fight, it was a chaos. What can I do to stop this-

"Stop! It's not getting better!" I pulled Hyunggu's arms but he pushed me aside.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS A SCHOOL" she shouted as we looked at the door gulping. While Hyunggu's hands were still in the air wanting to punch Hyojung.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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