Chapter 16 ;

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I stretched myself as I finished the last sentence of coursework.

"Great job!" Cass said and I highfived her. We're done with this groupwork. She yawned as she rubbed her eyes and I looked at the clock, it's already 9.

"It's late you should go back now" I patted her arms.

"What? No we still have things to pick up, look around"

Yeah the class is pretty messy.

"It's okay I'll do it you're really exhausted" I ruffled her hair.

"Hmm okay then thank you I owe you a meal~" She took her bagpack and walked out.

"Bye be careful"

She waved and beamed. I stood up and starched my head,

"I guess this will take some time" I sighed and started packing up.

—; ❀

I turned off the lights and closed the door then headed out of the school.

As I was running down the stairs, I could hear someone whistling softly, at a distance.

Weird there's no one in the school already. I tilted my head thinking. Is it- no don't think too much nothing will happen.

It's around 10 already and the streets were oddly desolated. A sudden extremely cold wind blew to me. I made my footsteps faster.

I turned into the backstreet, there were only three streetlights, I'll just make this fast. But as I walk pass, every streetlight will start to turn down.

W- whats happening- don't do this to me I'm innocent- I don't wanna die young-

I reached the end of the backstreet, all the streetlights were off. It was pitch black and my heartbeat was the only thing I could hear.

"Hhhh" I heard someone smirked, but I wasn't sure where was it coming from.

Shit is getting real- r- run. I started to run but as I lift my foot up, someone tall and big stood infront of me.

I gulped while looking down, not wanting to look at his face.

His hands went onto me, he grabbed my arms and threw me across the street, I impacted the wall. Who is he- Why am I being treated like that- I- bLOOD- BLOOD! Blood was coming out from my mouth.

He grabbed my neck and he slowly got me up, I was- ch- choking while hanging in the air, I struggled to release his hands but it was no use, he's just grabbing my neck harder and harder.

I started coughing because his energy was beyond expectation. I- ew whats that liquid thingy sensation? I- EW BLOOD! MY HANDS WERE FULL WITH BLOOD.

"Let- me go-" I could hardly squeeze out a sentence but my tears were already squeezing out like waves.

"Never" He smirked again and said with an extremely deep voice. He inserted more strength on his hands.

I fell down from the air all of a sudden, I held my neck and coughed a lot, I was trembling thinking there's almost no tomorrow for me.

When I looked up I can only see someone slightly smaller standing infront of the "thing" that almost choked me to death.

I didn't get to see what they did, I kept coughing while lowering my head.

"Are you alright???" Is that-

The streetlights came back again, I looked up,

"Yeah t- thank you" I said as he got me up and I coughed.

"Your neck and your hands-" He held my hands and was really worried, I looked at him bewildered. My hands were really small compared to his.

"It's nothing" I said while bawling. I don't have the emotions to be bitchy.

"I'll bring you back to home" Yuto said.

"No don't Hyunggu will be mad" I don't want Hyunggu to cause any fights again.

"I won't step in okay. I'll be outside. As long as I see you stepping into the house I'll go"

I averted my eyes away and nodded. I picked up my bag with my limped leg and walked back.

He took my bag over all of a sudden and crouched down infront of me.


"I'll piggyback you"

"No" I can be bitchy again.

He turned around and showed frustration then he grabbed my legs and arms,


"Making sure you won't injured more" he said.

I kept quiet all the way feeling angry about him. I hate him so much why is he doing this. I mean I thank him for saving me but now you think you can be all man doctrine-ish to me?

Of course piggybacking the girl will be having her arms around his neck and will be laying her head on him. But at this moment I wanna choke him instead you little yam.

—; ❀

"Thank you for today" I simply threw out again sentence reaching the doorknob.

"Your welcome be careful"

I stopped my actions, I gulped then I nodded and I turned the doorknob and went in.

"Ryujin!" Hyunggu ran down from the stairs and exclaimed.

I looked up at him and he froze at the stairs,

"WHAT HAPPENED?" He ran towards me and took a closer look at my neck.

I looked at him and sighed.

—; ❀

"What? So you didn't see his face?" He asked me.

"I didn't it's pitch black" I started to bawl a bit.

He sighed and applied some medicine on my neck,

"I'm glad you're still here. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you" He said as he slapped himself.

"Yah mwo? (What?) Don't do that!" I said as I held his hands.

"I could've made you injured free but now you're" He pouted and started to the all gloomy.

"I'm still here don't worry okay? You don't want this to happen too" I cooed.

He nodded without saying anything.



"His hands"

"What about it?"

"I remember I could feel something in his palms"

"Mm hmm?"

"It's like- it felt like a scar after being burned rather than some tattoo"


"It's like an 'X' that's all I could feel"

He squeezed his eyebrows, showing worry.

"Ja go to sleep now alright? Forget about this" he said and escorted me to my room.

"Hyunggu" I pulled him back.

"Hmm?" He turned around.

"I'm scared again" I pouted.

He giggled,

"Alright I'll be here okay" He sat down beside the bed again and accompanied me until I fell asleep.

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