Chapter 4: Apologizing

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Recaps: "I know Nate I'm stupid just let it go I need to go to Angelina's and apologize to her" he said as I nodded.

Sam's pov:

After a while I finally got my nose to stop bleeding and got up grabbing my keys as I walked out and towards my car "I'm leaving I'll be back shortly Nate" I said "Alright" he said as I left locking the door in the process, I drove to Angelina's house as I thought of ways to apologize to her as I continued driving.

Once I arrived at her house I shut the car off and walked towards her door as I breathed in and out and knocked on the door as I stood there patiently, after about a minute Angelina opened the door and I smiled "Can I help you" she said "I wanted to apologize for later" I said "Get inside Sam" she said as I walked inside.

Once I was inside and I heard the door close I immediately pinned her to the door "Sam what are you doing" she asked me "I'm really sorry Angelina" I said as she smiled "It's ok Sam I understand you were mad" she said "Yea but that doesn't give me a reason to leave you at the mall and make you walk home" I said as she nodded.

"Apology accepted now put me down" she said as I smiled and put her down "So now what" I asked her "Well I was about to make lunch when you knocked on the door" she said as I nodded "Sorry about that anyway what are you making" I asked "Some rice and chicken do you want some" she asked "Yes please" I said as she nodded.

Angelina's pov:

Once I finished talking to Sam we both walked to the kitchen and I started to make lunch, once it was done I gave Sam his food as I got mine and started eating peacefully, once I was done Sam took the plates and went to wash them as I went to the freezer and got out the ice cream from earlier.

"Do you want some ice cream" I asked him "Sure" he said as I got two ice cream bowls and put a little more on mine than his as I heard him chuckle "What" I asked him "You put more on yours than on mine that means your still hungry" he said "And you don't see me complaining" I said as he chuckled and raised his hands in defense.

"Your such a moron" I said as I saw him smile "If I were a moron you wouldn't have been dating me" he said "Actually we aren't you still haven't officially asked me out on a date you so that means I'm still single" I said as he smirked "Wanna go out on a date with me" he asked "No" I said jokingly "I'm hurt" he said putting his hand on his heart "I'm joking Sam I'll go out with you" I  said as he smiled.

After a few minutes of talking Sam decided to go home as I said good bye to him and locked the door when I closed it then I put the alarm on and walked to my room as I laid down and turned the tv on as I started watching Teen mom as I looked at the time to see it was 8:59 as I looked back at the tv.

Sam's pov:

Once I left Angelina's house I went home and laid down as I stretched "Hey big brother" Nate said "What do you want little brother" I said looking at him "How did it go with Angelina" he asked "Good she doesn't even seem mad about anything that happened she was totally calm" I said as Nate nodded and left.

After that I turned on the tv and started watching a movie that was on as I looked at the time to see it was 9:04 as I got my phone and texted Angelina 'Hey' I said 'Hey what's up' she replied 'Nothing much bored' I replied 'Oh ok' she replied, after that I looked at the the time to see it was 10:23 as I sighed and shut the tv off as I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and yawned as I got up and went to the bathroom as I quickly did what I needed to do then looked at the time to see it was 9:34 as I texted Angelina 'Hey what are you doing' I texted 'Nothing just woke up' she replied 'OK on my way' I texted 'OK see you here' she said as I put my phone in my pocket and left to her house. 

Once I got there I shut the car off as I walked to the door and knocked as I heard Angelina disarming the alarm and then unlocking the door as she opened it and I smiled "Come in" she said as I walked inside and she shut the door as I walked to the kitchen and sat down on one of her high chairs as I looked at the kitchen "You should let me make breakfast for you one day" I said "I'll take that into consideration" she replied as I smiled.

Angelina's pov:

I started making breakfast for me and Sam as I felt Sam's eyes on me and I turned around "What" I asked "You look beautiful" he said as I blushed "" I couldn't bring out a sentence without stuttering as Sam smirked "What's wrong dear cat got your tongue" he said as I looked back at the stove.

Once I finished making the food I gave Sam his food as I sat next to him and started eating my food peacefully "Tonight be ready I'm picking you up" Sam said "For what" I said "Our date silly" he said as I nodded "Right sorry" I said as he chuckled "Well what do you want to do since I can't go to the mall anymore" Sam said as I shrugged.

We both sat down on the sofa as I cuddled closer to Sam and he wrapped his hands around me as we watched tv as I looked through the channels and found a good movie as I put it on and started watching it with Sam, after a while I checked the time to see it was 3:34 "What time is it" Sam asked me "3:34" I said as he nodded "I'll leave at four so you could get ready I'll pick you up at 8:00" he said as I nodded.
Cl: Hello my wonderful readers and lovely writers so here's another chapter just for you all enjoy please vote (no rude comments) thank you

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