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Maggie's P.O.V
"I was so happy when Madison woke up I actually thought that she was DEAD!?!?!.But she wasn't so after that jack took her to his house then I went to Sammy's house .

" Then Sammy started kissing me all over god I love u " he said in a sexy way then we started having sex for like 2 hours " Sammy don't stop loving me plz I said moaning loudly. After that i heard a knock at our door then I got dressed I tried waking Sammy but he didn't wake up so I went down stairs and opened it .

" it was jack and Madison so I hugged her and said hi to jack then he asked if me and Sammy wanted to go to the beach? And of course I said yes . So I woke Sammy up and we got dressed and went to the beach.

" Madison's P.O.V

" so me , jack, Sammy and Maggie all got in jacks car and we drove off to the beach I can't lie but jack is the sweetest boyfriend ever. After we arrived to the beach we got an hotel and the we went down to the beach we stayed there until everyone started leaving " so we left and went to are hotel . Maggie and Sammy had there room and me and Jack had are room.

" After that I got in the shower and jack came in with me "god damn your so sexy " he said in my ear . Then he started kissing me all over again and again I liked it so much I didn't wanted him to stop so we got out of the shower and we had sex and we fell asleep like little babies.

Jacks P.O.V

" me and Madison had the best sex ever every time I see her I always say she is sexy cuz she is. But what if we have to much sex and then she gets pregnant eh that will never happen hopefully. All I know is that I love her and she loves me.

" Maggie P.O.V

" after me and Sammy took an shower together we had sex the usual I'm just scared if I get pregnant and he doesn't want an child I don't know but I will ask him.

"Sammy P.O.V

" so me and Maggie took an shower together it was the best and after we had sex that was the best to! But if she gets pregnant what am I going to do I do want an child with her but how about she doesn't want one. I don't know but I will ask her.

Thanks for reading

Stay bitchy ❤️

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