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Mercedes P.O.V

Then he kissed me and we had a heated make out session until he stopped.

"I'm tired" he said

I rolled my eyes cause for some reason I was VERY horny he wrapped his arms around and we fell asleep.

One week later

I am currently getting ready because I gotta go see my brother because I promise I would hang out with him for the whole day.

"Hey where are you going" jack said

"To see my big brother" I said

"Oh when you coming back" jack said

"2morrow" I said

"Why" he said

"Cause I promised him so I will see you 2morrow babe" I said and kissed him

He kissed me back and I went out side and I saw my brother. "Hey bro" I said

"Hey Lil sis how are you and jack " he said

"Nash it is just me and you I don't wanna talk about my love life would you like it if I talked about kilye" I said

Kilye Jenner is his fiance and I love them together. "Your right hey I got us VIP in dad's club. " he said

"Okay, should have told me before I came out the house" I said

"Well kilye said you could where her clothes" he said

"Hey can u drop me at my old house for a second" I said

"Okay" he said and started driving

While he was driving my fav song cam on bad and boujee.

My bitch is bad and boujee
Cookin up dope with a uzi
My niggas a savage ruthless
We got 30's and 100 round too

I sang "Okay rap zilla where here" he said

I stop and got out the car "one minute k" I said

He nodded and I started walking I knocked on the door and saw my roommates boyfriend "Hey Taylor where is Anastacia" I asked

"She went out where have you been" he asked

"I moved out here is the rent money and I came to get the rest of my stuff" I said walking in

"Okay rude ass" he started "why did you leave " he said

"Because you guys kept having sex in my ears I couldn't take it" I said

"Where do live anyway" he asked

"With my boyfriend" I said

"Derek?" He said

"No jack Gilinsky " I said

"Oh wait WHAT" he said surprised

"Yep I am dating G" I said

"Okay " he said

I got all my stuff and headed out once I got back to the car nate was on his phone doing whatever I put my stuff in the back of his car and hopped in the front.

"What happened up there"  Nate asked

He started driving "oh nothing much" I reached for my phone but I never got it i started freaking out.


Mercedes phone

Imessages from  Bae👅❤: Hey babe wyd

Taylor's P.O.V

I closed the door once mercy left and a phone started ringing in mercy's old room and it was jack

"Hey jack" I said "Hey who is this" he said "Taylor caniff" I said "Why do you have mercy phone" he asked "she left here" I said "Why was she there" he asked "wow you ask a lot of qeustion she came to get the rest of her stuff" I said "Well where is she" he asked "With her brother Nash Grier  I could give you his number" I said "ok" he said "###-###-#### there you go" I said "thnxs" he said

Sorry about the about the update
I have been very busy with school and on the weekends I just be everywhere

Don't be a silent reader comments

Stay boujee bitches👅😍

Love yall

That is my new out tro


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