Chapter 5 : Anger in the Amber's heart

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Amberpaw and Dustpaw kept chatting. There was nothing else to do. "Dustpaw, I'm bored." She meowed. Dustpaw nodded. "Well... do we have a choice?" He replied. "Ugh... I'm still to irritated! Annoyed! Angry!" Amberpaw hissed. "You don't need to be. It's not a big deal since the next time there's a gathering, we can go! Just think positive." Dustpaw meowed, calming Amberpaw down.

Amberpaw sighed. 'He's right... there must be  reason why Emberstar didn't bring me. Or maybe it's because I kept telling him that Orangeclaw is a traitor.'
Amberpaw thought, she growled and swore that she would never let the anger in her heart escape and she would hold a grudge against Embertstar. Or Orangeclaw. It might be Orangeclaw who told Emberstar not to bring Amberpaw. Who knows.. but it made Amberpaw really, really angry and disapointed. "Cheer up, Amberpaw! We'll be able to go to the gathering next time!" Dustpaw purred making Amberpaw calmer and more cheerful. "Yeah. Your right! I guess it isn't that bad." Amberpaw replied. Dustpaw nodded. "That's the spirit!"

Amberpaw smiled and went into the apprentices den. "Well, if I can't do anything... then I guess I'll rest and... sleep...." Amberpaw sighed sadly. She lied down and started to sleep. But instead, she kept twisting and turning, she was so deep in thought and very angry indeed.  She sighed and hopped up. She just couldn't rest.
"They have arrived from the Gathering!" A cat meowed loudly. Amberpaw peeked out of the apprentices den, Emberstar was waving his tail happily. "Ugh. Emberstar, acting sooo proud, and he's like  'Hey everyone me and my fellow cats were able to go to the gathering! Woohoo!' Ick! As if! What a nerve I never knew he had. Or maybe mom is like 'oh boohoo, little Amberpaw wasn't able to come to the Gathering. Boohoo!' Arg!" Amberpaw spat angrily. She sat back down on her moss bed and started grumbling angry words. "Amberpaw! Their back!" Dustpaw meowed. Amberpaw nodded her head and Dustpaw disappeared out the den.

"Amberpaw?! Are you in here?" A familiar voice meowed. She knew it was Emberstar so she ignored it. "Amberpaw?" He repeated. Feeling discouraged, Amberpaw knew he had left and sighed. 'We have training tomorrow... that just means that I'm going to have to talk to him.' She thought. She packed up some courage and confidence inside herself and went out of the apprentices den. "Hello, Emberstar..." she said gloomily. "Why hello, Amberpaw! Did you have fun?" He asked, smiling. "Fun?! How could I have fun?!?! Don't you see I was left here at camp doing nothing! If course I won't have fun!" Amberpaw hissed angrily. She whipped around swiftly and started walking away from Emberstar. She looked behind her and saw Emberstar, staring at her in disbelief. She growled and looked away. "Clearpaw! Did you have fun?!" Amberpaw purred, trying to sound cheerful. "Not without you.." she replied.

Amberpaw smiled gladly, knowing she has a true friend.
"Why did Emberstar leave you here?" She meowed. Amberpaw just shrugged. It was really annoying! "I'm so... ugh!! Why, why, why?!?!" Amberpaw meowed irratatedly. She wasn't going to look forward to training with him the next day.
"It's alright. I bet there's a reason. It's fine, okay? He'll explain this to you." Clearpaw meowed.
Amberpaw nodded. But the anger inside of her was just so.. thick. She just can't let go of this anger and didn't know what to do. But something about Clearpaw made her calm.
Cats were chatting all around her. Emberstar was wearing a big smile across his face. But when he looked at Amberpaw, his smile turned upside down.
"Amberpaw, I'm sorry I wasn't able to bring you. I truly am. I would've brought you but your mother said you needed to stay here for your own protection. She was so worried about you."
Emberstar purred.
Amberpaw was furious. Why was she worried? She was fine! 'I bet mother just won't let me come because I know about Stormfang? That she slayed him? Impossible.. how would she know,' Amberpaw nodded at Emberstar, pretending to understand. But clearly, she couldn't.

"Well, you need rest, Amberpaw. Tomorrow we will be training." Emberstar purred, now walking away. Amberpaw sighed. She looked around her seeing cats enjoying themselves, talking to each other happily.
"Why can't I be like them? Happy." She purred to herself. Dustpaw was walking towards her, but Amberpaw didn't notice.     "Amberpaw! C'mon! The apprentices are all playing in the apprentices den!" He exclaimed.
"Umm..  thanks but no thanks. I'm a bit too... tired... yeah." Amberpaw replied.
Dustpaw didn't look too convinced at first, but then left Amberpaw sitting there by herself.
Amberpaw saw the crowd of cats clear away. It was pretty late. The moon was shining above Amberpaw and the stars twinkling bright. She sighed and headed off to bed. She laid down on her moss bed and slowly drifted to sleep.
  "Amberpaw!! Wake up!" Clearpaw meowed loudly which made Amberpaw jump up immediately.
"Clearpaw! You could've woke me up gently." Amberpaw complained. Clearpaw giggled and padded outside. The apprentices den was pretty empty so Amberpaw was a bit grateful for Clearpaw waking her up.

  Amberpaw leaped out of the apprentices den ready to start training. She will show her best and prove to Emberstar that she was fine and could go to the Gathering. The next one of course.

"Amberpaw! Time for training!" Emberstar meowed. First, they trained about hunting for food. Then, they trained about fighting techniques. Then, they trained how to do the proper hunting stances. Amberpaw gave it her all, aiming for perfect. But she pushed herself a bit too much, her legs were painful and her body was aching. She couldn't walk no more. Emberstar quickly brought her to the medicine cat's den to get Amberpaw fixed up.

"Oh, Emberstar! I think you pushed her too much in training. She can barely move! Look how stiff she is. Out, this imstant, Emberstar! I don't want anyone disturbing me!" Mouseleaf meowed. She gave Amberpaw some poppy seeds and let her rest for at least a day.
"You'll feel much better soon, dear." Mouseleaf told Amberpaw. 'Mouseleaf is a very kind cat. I like her a lot.' Amberpaw thought. She really was. She noticed lots of ferns and poppy seeds and more in the apprentices den. It was really packed in the den.

Emberstar visited her a few minutes later, while Mouseleaf was gone. "Oh, Amberpaw," he sighed. "I guess you didn't give your best. Please train harder next time. I know you could do
It." He purred. This made Amberpaw's heart light on fire.


"What's this all about?" Mouseleaf asked, poking her head in the den. "Emberstar said I didn't do my best. But really, I tried my very best and was so tired. And he'll just say that!" Amberpaw sobbed. Mouseleaf licked Amberpaw's ears which comforted her. And then she fell asleep. Resting for a good 20 minutes.

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