Chapter 6 : Warriorhood

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Amberpaw opened her eyes seeing Mouseleaf just in front of her. Amberpaw stood up, she felt healthier then before.
  "How... how long was I out?" Amberpaw meowed.
Mouseleaf looked at her, smiling.
   "About... Let's see... 2 hours now." Mouseleaf replied. Amberpaw nodded. "Oh..
Thanks!" She meowed.

"Amberpaw, the others are waiting for you outside. They have been wanting to play and talk to you." Mouseleaf purred.
  "Others? Who others? The other apprentices?" Amberpaw asked. Mouseleaf nodded.
  "Oh! Okay. I'll get going! See you later, Mouseleaf. I'm very thankful I'm healed up now," Amberpaw meowed. "I'll really get going now!" Amberpaw purred, swishing her tail excitedly.

She padded out of the medicine cat's den and was surrounded by fellow apprentices.
   "Hey, Amberpaw! How are you?"
   "Are you well now?"
   "Was training okay?"
   "What happened?"
   "Amberpaw! Your okay!" Clearpaw's voice meowed. She was running to Amberpaw as quick as possible. "Hey, Clearpaw," she replied, then turned to everyone else. "First of all.. Let's discuss this in the apprentice's den." Amberpaw meowed. Everyone nodded and they all padded to the apprentice's den.
"First of all... training was exhusting. Second, I couldn't move because I pushed myself too hard because I wanted prove to Emberstar that I'm ready to attend the Gathering. Then in the medicine cat's den, he said 'Oh, Amberpaw. I guess you didn't give your best. Please train harder next time. I know you could do it.' I was really furious I spat some words at him and told him to leave me alone and he left at once." Amberpaw sighed.

Everyone looked at her sadly.
   "You've gone through a lot lately." Treasurepaw purred. Amberpaw nodded.
    "But we've got some exciting news!" Darkpaw meowed cheerfully.
    "Yup, you'll really get excited!" Patchpaw exclaimed.
    "We just got informed a few moments ago." Spotpaw purred.
    "You will be astonished!" Cinderpaw added.
    "Just tell her already!" Clearpaw hissed.
    "Alright! Our warrior's ceremony will be tomorrow!" Dustpaw meowed loudly. Amberpaw gasped.
     "Really?! Eeek! I can't wait! I'm becoming a warrior!!" Amberpaw exclaimed. The chatting went on until the moon rose and the sun fell. The chirps of birds slowly disappearing, and the sky getting darker. The crowd of cats outside cleared and everyone drifted to sleep.
Amberpaw was in the place again. "Stormfang! I know your here! I recognize this place!" Amberpaw called out. A grey tom appeared, walking gracefully towards Amberpaw. "How's it going?" Stormfang purred. "Umm.. well... but Emberstar has been actimg strange... yes. I have no clue why. He won't believe me." Amberpaw told Stormfang sadly. "He has been influenced by Orangeclaw, Amberpaw. Has he been saying offending things lately?" He asked.
"Yes. He said some painful and stinging words to me." Amberpaw replied. Stormfang shook his head, his expression showing that he was very worried. "Alas, Orangeclaw wad able to succeed in her mission. To influence Emberstar so that cats will turn their backs at him. Let me ask you a favour," Stormfang purred. Amberpaw nodded. "Even when Emberstat says offending a stinging words, NEVER turn your back at him. As the prophecy
says :

The Amber will be filled with fire, while the Ember will be filled with jealousy, as the Orange will be filled with triumph. When the Ember's blood will spill, the Orange will rule, and good will not bestow upon all clans. But the Amber's bravery, will stop the Orange's rule, and bring peace to all, but, this is a challenge to the Amber, till then will the Amber be able to defeat the Orange.

Please... let Mouseleaf know. She is the medicine cat after all." Stormfang meowed.
  "But why don't you send her a message?" Amberpaw suggested."I already did," Stormfang meowed. "Just let her know that you know.". Amberpaw nodded. Then the vision or dream vanished and was replaced with eternal darkness.
Amberpaw opened her eyes to see blinding sunlight surround her. She stood up and padded out the aoprentice's den to the prey pile. She took a vole and slowly ate it. Then she cleaned herself and walked towards the group of apprentices.

'Should I tell them? Nah... Stormfang only told me to tell Mouseleaf.' Amberpaw thought and place on her best smile.
  "Hi!" She meowed.
  "Morning!"  They all replied.
  "How's it going? Your up early!" Amberpaw purred.
  "Of course! The warrior's ceremony is starting soon! DUH!" Spotpaw meowed.

"That reminds me! I need to talk to Mouseleaf. See ya!" Amberpaw meowed as she rushed to the medicine cat's den.

"Mouseleaf! Stormfang told me about this profecy!!!!!!!" Amberpaw exclaimed.

"Yes. I know. It's good you know. Now, keep this a secret. Okay?" Mouseleaf replied. Amberpaw nodded.
"Hello, everyone. We are going to have new warriors on this day.  Let us begin the Warrior's Ceremony!" Emberstar meowed on the High Rock.

"Clearpaw, doyou swear to protect the clan and will willingly sacrifice yourself for the clan's safety a nd  follow the warrior's code?"

"I do!" Clearpaw meowed.

"So I call upon Star Clan to bless you and guide you! You will now be known as, Cleartail!"

Cleartail puffed her chest out proudly.

The ceremony went on like a blur to Amberpaw. Darkpaw to Darkwhisker, Dustpaw to Dustheart, Cinderpaw to Cinderwood, Spotpaw to Spottear, Patchpaw to Patchstring and Treasurepaw to Treasuretrail.

"Amberpaw, do you swear to protect the clan even if it means sacrificing yourself for the safety of the clan and follow the warrior's code?" Emberstar purred.

"I certainly do!" Amberpaw exclaimed.

"So I call upon Star Clan to bless you and guide you! You will now be known as Amberfang!" Cheers erupted from the crowd of cats.
A pleading meow that sounded like someone was hurt came from the nursery.

"Greywhisker is about to have her kits!!" Mouseleaf cried. She instructed everyone to keep away from the nursery so that she could focus.

"I totaly forgot that Greywhisker was going to have kits!" Amberfang meowed.

"Seriously?" Dustheart meowed, nudging Amberfang playfully.

"Yeah, right!" Amberfang meowed as she pinned Dustheart playfully to the ground. But he was able to throw Amberfang off.

Amberfang saw Patchstring look at her and Dustheart with a face full of jealousy. Amberfang eyed her carefully as she started to walk away.

"What's wrong?" Dustheart purred.

"Nothing!" Amberfang replied.

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