Chapter 9 : Not everything is perfect

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Amberfang walked into the apprentices den and started to clean it up. The moss beds was a mess and sticks were scattered everywhere. Amberfang sighed and started picking up the sticks and throwing them outside three by three. Which took FOREVER!!

"Ugh! Are the apprentices this dirty?" She spat to herself as she tidied the moss beds.

Pebbles were found scattered underneath the moss beds. Amberfang hissed as she moved them to the corner of the den one by one. This was going to take forever.


"Finally! I hope those apprentices won't make a mess here again!" Amberfang sighed. Sweat was seen all over her and she was breathing heavily. The apprentices den did look much more tidier than before.

"Good." Emberstar meowed out of the blue.

"Oh, Emberstar. Hello. What brings you here?"

Emberstar looked at Amberfang and sighed. He turned and faced the sky, his face filled with curiosity and worry.

"Amberfang. . . what exactly happened out there?" Emberstar asked.

Amberfang sighed. She had to tell him. She felt guilty for not telling the truth before. She had to say the truth now.

"Well. . . mother, or should I say, Orangeclaw invited me to walk with her. I gladly took the invite and did so. I told her about me having a mate. Then she said :
'That's good to hear. . . . But you know what ISN'T good? YOU ALIVE! So. . . I was thinking. . . Why don't you just. . . PERISH?!' And so. . . She attacked me. . . Then she-we got into a fight. She sunk her teeth into my flesh, I got mad and. . . I also sunk my teeth in her flesh," Amberfang sighed.
"Then she was about to attack me, but I attacked her first, I scratched her belly, her weak spot, and ran away."

Emberstar nodded. He shook his head in frustration.

"I knew this would happen. . . Star Clan told me that Orangeclaw was going to be a threat to the clan. . . And other clans. . . And you." He purred, a hint of fear in his voice. Then, he looked towards his paws and growled.

"I saw great leadership in her that I ignored what Star Clan said! I was so foololish. . . If only
Stormfang was here to help me."

Hearing Stormfang's name made Amberfang flinch, and started tearing up.

"What's wrong?" Emberstar purred with comfort.

"I. . . Mom was a murderer. . . Stormfang told me. . She. . Killed. . . ."

"Killed who?!" Emberstar whispered urgently, in dire need of an answer.


Emberstar froze. His eyes started to go on fire. Amberfang could tell anger was bubbling inside of him.

"Why?! Why did she kill him?!?! He was the only cat that acted like a brother to me!! My. . . Actual brother acted like an enemy. But anyway! Why?!" He meowed angrily and sadly at the same time.

"I. . . I shouldn't have said that. . . Maybe I should've kept it a secret like what he told me to do. I should've told you when he will tell me to tell you. . ." Amberfang whispered guiltily. She shifted her paws awkwardly.

"It's fine. Now that I know the truth. . . But, are you. . . ? Nevermind. But thank you for the information you have passed over to me! It's a really great help ya' know." Emberstar purred. . . And smiled. But it looked like a fake smile. Then he padded away and into his den and disappeared into the darkness of his den.

Amberfang sighed. She turned around and in the corner of her eye saw two eyes glaring at her from the darkness. She ignored them so that she won't think of. . . . Negative things such as. . . You know.

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