Lifeless Mannequin

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Every morning and night was the same for her
Always scared about the coming bedding event
Something that brings her sadness,regret,makes her feel loss and lifeless
He's the one she fears most
The man who lives with selfish lust
This person who think he is the only priority in life
Without him knowing his woman need space and time for being alone

He comes to her every night with one request
The deed to be grant
If a no is her answer
Harsh word wait for her
Cursing,yelling and threats of blackmail
Always uttered in resentment by him
Until she open her lifeless leg wide
Feeling defeat
She grants his demand from fear and keeping peace
But his game was not meant for a loving woman
Rather a lifeless mannequin

She lays prone down as stiff as a statue
Legs open wide while top pulled up
Her man does whatever he wishes without  soul,voice or word and expression of gratitude
Just a blank stare from his poor mannequin woman

Thirty minutes of painful thrust
Pleasing just one till juices ooze out
This man never realising her suffering of physical and mental pain each day
Never interested in what his woman desires most in her painful life

Her need in this man are simple and true
Love,care,concern and attention just once
She longs for him to ask
How was your day?
Is there anything you want?
Void of a simple touch,tender hug,passionate kiss or a slight smile
Simplest of thing to build sexual tension and feel love
But he seeks a lifeless mannequin
His sex toy to obey and open at whim
Devoid of emotional loving care or thought

She desperately prays and hope for a change
As he awakes from sleep
Simple to acknowledge her need
But no
He is still in his dreamland fantasy
Never aware that his woman has lost all love and feel only  pain
She is now desperate to escape from his selfish sex toy role he has built
A need for a wooden mannequin
With no heart,love or joy just a hole to self please


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