A Simple Man

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He was a simple man
Spent all his time for others and by himself
He believes in a one day at a time approach and all will be fine
A man with full of love and without condition
Wishing one day a woman will fall for him
As a simple man he never ask for much
To him life has been written before by him
He only needs to keep truth, keep faith and trust in himself
Until he meets a woman again and with her everything will change then

As a simple man he feels lucky in life
But he failed to noticed the struggles the new woman he recently met
He only knows her as one who always smile
He does not know of her hidden secrets and sadness
But from time to time he begins to learn about this woman
The simple man gives the woman the love she has never felt before
And all his support, advice and attention she longs for

He shower her with sweet word of kindness
Until this woman has the trust to give this simple man her genuine smile
The relationship between them became filled with colour
Changing her life from dark to bright
From storm to calm
From dull to hope
But this simple man never let the woman wander far from him
He promises to the woman he will stay until she asks him to leave
But this simple man doesn't know that the woman loves him so

To this woman, he is her saviour
The one who show her the fair path
A path to light and new hope
The man has become her guardian Angel
He is always there and convinces her that she must value her life and that for her kids
Tells old her no more pain, hurt or simple sex slave
To him she is now a strong woman despite all the sadness that she face all her life
With his courage and inspiration this woman has now changed
She now makes her first move to restart her new life
To find balance, trust and fairness and life in safe state
She is able to breath now from this simple man's every word
One day at a time, each smile at a time

But now...this simple man has to endure to his own challenges ahead
And this woman feel sad as she can do nothing to help him in need
All she can do is pray and hope all will be good
She is afraid something might happen to him in months ahead
She does not wish to lose him now or forever

This woman knows he was strong and must fight this illness ahead 
He must be ready to fight and be strong now
Stay positive and strong in month ahead
But still this woman feels fear ahead and now always prays
Please to all the heavens above help this simple man...
He deserve to smile,be happy in life and no suffering ahead...
He is a good man...
Please let him stay by this woman side and feel the love she have...
Please...let him stay, thrive and be healthy once again...


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