The New Journey

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I walk in this lonely dark path for too long
Looking for the light but its seem hard too find
I keep on moving until exhaustion and give up on my last step

I now stop at an unknown junction
Too many intersection I see in front of me
Not wanting to make another wrong move
Needing to be more careful in my next step
No more feelings of pain and despair

With faith and belief a new future be holds
I follow where my journey will bring me
There is a dim light at distance so I keep moving forward
I feel at ease and in peace in my heart for hope of light
I know this is the right path to follow

Building self confidence in myself and my happiness in my life
I have to keep on moving forward or else I will fall and fade

Searching for happiness after drowning in pain and hurt too long
Oh to smile again and show this world I am sincere loving person
I wish to throwaway all the false facade that masks my face and true hurt

This new journey is to return to a happy life
Mend my broken soul and cast all the sadness away

I know this is a new journey and direction for me
A journey with many obstacle ahead
To reach happiness,peacefulness and certainty in life
With faith and confidence I will keep on moving and leave my darkest abuse behind

Too much pain to endure in past
Hoping this journey will bring happiness
To live and show the world my happiness in smile and actions


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