My Valentine

49 8 12

You bring joy during my gray day
Make me laughing when I've cry
Bring my happiness in my gloomy heart
Give me love and never ask for return
You make me see the star in the darkest night
Give me word to make me feel secure
Comfort me when I feel down
Always sweet word by you make me smile

For being together with you always be my dream
Without you knowing, I've place so much hope for those dream to become reality
Even we miles away from each other
Your loves always follow my every step
Built my strength from day after day
Despite of the loneliness and sorrow that I have to face everyday
Your words always told me I am not alone
You are in my spirit, my soul and my mind
You have your own place in my heart
And will never replace by anyone else

You always there when I need you
Never once you let me down
Even when you know I am not myself for certain time
You shower me with your kindness word
And promise you will stay as long as I need you

You said I am a fighter and I am strong enough to win this battle
When I've already know I am weak and all the strength come from you
You make me feel love by all the attention you have give to me

Those nickname we have exchange always makes me grinning
It's so sweet to be learn that I've been love by someone like you
Trust one after you
I've might not be your first love
But I hope I will always be the last
I love you...My Valentine

A/ the one who give...get...and feel love


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