Years Ago

56 9 11

Many many years ago I met a man
Being young and feel in love and all good
All the weaknesses not there
Hidden from the view
People were right when they say love is blind
Not by ones eyes but by your true heart
Our friend status changed to husband and wife

Happy at the beginning all good at first
All things that happened still sweet in my eyes
Had arguement and fought but not frequently so
But our marriage become not always so sweet
Sometimes feeling were bitter and sour
Just like some moment in every marriage event
But when the years of marriage become old and worn
Everything change,colours turned grey

The love feeling grew less and less
No more sweet moments to share and to smile
Only fake facades did emerged
All a false cover for what grew so deep
Never noticed by another
This is my life as it happened to me

12 years ago now
The love still was there
Feeling like a dream never ending and pure
Full of laughter and joking and teasing each other
Still call each other by sweet nicknames
Still in the cloud,colour so bright
Dreaming and dreaming and all was so right

5 years ago now
The love started to faded
Little by little feeling do fade
Arguments start change the colour to grey across our sweet house
The lover's sweet talk was rarely now heard
Only shouting,blaming and pointing fingers was all

12 months ago now
I try desperately to find any feeling of love
Seem its all already dissolved faded and gone
Trying to save this valuable thing in our world and house now
All because our kids my only wish now
Sacrifice which leads to thoughts of dark suicide
When I know its gonna be wasted and life incomplete
Soon it's cannot be saved anymore no matter how hard I do try
Still I try to make the
best and endure all the pain
Standing still high despite knowing I would fall hard

8 weeks ago now
Everything totally lost
Vanished from life
Can't feel nor be seen,heard or receive loving touch
We now become strangers like we never had met
The house becomes haunted like a jail or dark place
Has people inside but no voices are heard
No laughing,communication nor touch or nor hug
The desicion has been taken clear and complete
The word has been given
Marriage now crumbles and
No more love to just share
Now only hurt
Not for selfish need or wants but for children alone I stay

1 week ago now
Don't judge my desicion or fate
Just know my position and struggle with life
Just walk in my shoes for one simple day
And then you will truly know the desicion and truth of my fate
Only then u will know
All is over....and ends
A lifetime of giving,sacrifice and love now crumble away year by year


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