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Alone she sits on the corner of bed
Silent with an empty mind and soul
Thoughts echoing in her mind
Asking what has happen to life
Why can't she defend herself and glow with smile
As her inner voice recalled dissatisfied feeling inside
Choosing to swallow her bitterness in life
Without any hope,broken and weak longing to be free
From this home and from him-broken

She alone and has no one now or ahead
Alone to face all this falseness in life
He is the one who makes her wish to just die
The man full of arrogant selfish pride
Always foolish thinking he was right in all things
Never considered how his wife needed or liked
Never caring about any tears she might shed
Always demanding his supreme male rights at his whim and selfish need
Making her his slave in every way-broken

Her role simply to fulfil his own selfish sex need
Commanded to obey and do as he says when in her heart all she can do is scream with despair
Wishing only for him to treat her with respect
Like one who has feeling in heart and true soul
Her love for him long,long ago dead and gone -broken

He was oblivious to the huge changes in her soul and broken heart
Only thinking about his needs and himself
Her heart already shattered into a small broken pieces
Even she finding hard to mend and re-fix
Her heart and soul shattered time and again
To the point where there is no hope or return
Her soul becomes numb and so dull-broken

She is now a puppet a lifeless mannequin
Her gaze and her steps follow only one way
Broken and needing a true life and new hope
Simple wish is to find a man to heal deep voids
Who will listen to her voice and heart desire and need
To comfort and hug her in sweetest devotional love
The man who seeks no master nor obedient slave-broken

She now only knows only her wildest wish and dream can now save
To find such a man and heal a deepest need
Is such a man existing in this world
And be the only hope and prayer left to her now find such a man who adores her so deep


LOVE LIFE AND PAINحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن