Chapter 1: ask rebokoo.

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  Long ago there lived a girl, a special  girl named, Althea Meyer.

Althea lived in a small town called Vamptopea.

Althea lived with her two parents and her

older brother named Darvon Meyer and her little sister named Devnee Meyer.

Darvon, Althea, and Devnee were triplet siblings, the oldest was Darvon, the second oldest was Althea, and the youngest was Devnee.

Althea had a deep desire and her desire was to travel the world and sing in front of millions of people in huge stadiums, but this was not her only desire, she also wanted to meet her favorite singer, Ramien Timberlake.

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There is something I do not understand said Desnee Meyer (Darvon, Althea, and Devnee's mother), and what is that you do not understand Desnee said Richard Meyer ( Darvon, Althea, and Devnee's father).

How come are children have different eye

Colors, Darvon has golden silver eyes, Althea has golden purple eyes, and Devnee has golden red eyes, how is that even possible? Said Desnee.

Maybe we should ask Rebokoo that question, he knows every thing about all types of vampires said Richard.

That would be a good idea agreed Desnee.

So they called up Rebokoo and asked him a few questions about why there children had different eye colors.

I will come over to your house and explain it to you in person said Rebokoo.

So Rebokoo came over to explain why Mr. and Miss Meyer's children had different eye colors.

Rebokoo lined up the three kids from oldest to youngest.

He looked at the eyes of the three kids and came to a conclusion, I have came to a conclusion, Darvon here is just a special

vampire, Althea is a very rare special vampire, and Devnee is a rare special vampire said Rebokoo.

What is the difference between the three types of special vampires? Asked Desnee and Richard.

Well Devnee is more powerful then Darvon, Althea is more powerful then Darvon and Devnee combined.

If an evil vampire got there hands on a vampire like Althea, all HELL is going to break loose!, so powers like what Althea has needs to be protected and capt safe said Rebokoo.

So what about Devnee and Darvon?, Will evil vampires go after them too? Asked Desnee. The evil vampires do not care for

vampires like Darvon, Devnee or even are self's, all they care about is uptaning a vampire that is more powerful then any vampire in the world and that's why you must keep Althea safe said Rebokoo.

We under stand said Desnee and Richard.

And this is were it all began.  

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