Chapter 17: the wedding.

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Why are you not getting ready? Asked my mother. I am nervous and stressed, I will get ready in a minute. Okay I hope that you will get ready in a minute or sooner said my mother. I got into my wedding dress. We got to the chapel an hour or two early, so I waited in the brides room in the chapel for my turn to get married. It was now my turn to get married. So, I walked down the ieal with my father. Ramien was waiting for me at the alter. I made it to the alter, Ramien took my hands and helped me on the step that he was standing on. My father went and sat down by my mother. Then minister spoke

by saying you my now exchange your vows. Ramien exchanged his vow by saying: " I, Ramien Timberlake, take you Althea Meyer, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward, for as long as we both shall live." then I exchanged my vow by saying: " I, Althea Meyer, take you Ramien Timberlake, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward, for as long as we both shall live." then the minister spoke by saying: " do you Ramien Timberlake take Althea Meyer to be your wife?". I do said Ramien. Then the minister spoke again by saying: " do you Althea Meyer take Ramien Timberlake to be your husband?". I do, I said. The minister then asked do you have the rings?". We both said yes and put a wedding ring on each others finger. The minister then spoke again by saying: " I now pronounce you husband and wife, you my now kiss the bride." we both kissed and then minister said " I now give you Mr and miss Timberlake". We then headed off to my parents house for the wedding reception. We both greeted the people that came. My brother then started the wedding speeches by saying: "Althea, I hope that all your dreams came true and that you are happy, I know that Ramien will take good care of you, I love you sister and I all ways will and you know that." then my father spoke by saying: "Althea as your father I want to wish you the best and a lot of happiness in your marriage, I love you sweetheart". Then Ramien spoke by saying: " I am glad that, I meet you Althea, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I will love you forever and I will never let you go". Then I spoke by saying: " I love you too Ramien and I will never let you go either, I feel so spacial that you choose me to be your wife, this is one dream of mine that has come true and that makes me happy, thank you for choosing me". When the speeches were over, they sent us off to are honeymoon. 

Dear diary,

We are traveling to Paris France for are honeymoon, I am so exited. This is going to be fun.

Wish us luck!

-Althea Meyer Timberlake

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