Chapter 9: the long line for my autograph.

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I couldn't believe how many people were lined up just to get my autograph.

I have never seen this many boys in my intier life time, I swear there must be like

a thousand of them. The sincerity guard opened the gate and let the people in to get my autograph. The people lined up in a strait line. The first boy walked to the table and stumbled a bit. The things I autographed:

pictures of me

my album

pictures of me on t-shirts

arms, foreheads


pictures of me on journals

photo albums of me

magazines about me

books about me

10. a movie of how I got famous.

That's basicly all the things people had me autograph. As I was walking to the limo, a boy through a soccer ball at my head just to get my attention. When I was in the limo, I pulled out my phone, I had a text from my friend Tashia she sent me a picture of a quote, it says: "never settle for less than your heart and soul desire". . I sent her a text back saying that I liked the quote she sent me. This is a quote I read once: "i find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version, on of themselves". Dr. Steve Maraboli. I thought that it was a really good quote so I wrote it in my journal. The limo ride seemed long, so I took a nap.

Dear diary,

My manager is going to introduce me to someone, he didn't say who but I hope that it will be my favorite singer, Ramien Timberlake.

-Althea Meyer

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