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Lauren's POV

I found this written in a notebook that I needed. I know it was written by Camila, everything points to her but what I didn't realise is that she felt things to this extent because I want to be there for her and help her but some people don't want to accept help - I hope she'll realise soon enough.

My throat so tight, so constricted And

I can't breathe It's her fault Because of HER The demon in my nightmares That haunts me That tries to feed venom into my veins And take my happiness The demon that I hate, Wins I'm still facing my demons.

Trust. That's all she wants from me. A delicate soul like hers should not weep as though it had died unjustly, mourning for its previous life. I need her to open up to me, tell me what's wrong. Of course I already have an idea because she has quite a few scars over her body. I don't care though, they are still beautiful. They just show the fight she's been through but I want her to know that she doesn't have to go through it alone anymore.

She is my best friend after all. My Friend..... Maybe she'll realise.

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