Chapter 22. Curse the contract

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I hardly slept that night. My mind was filled with worry, stress, constantly feeling nauseous. Thoughts plaguing my mind of all the negative consequences that could have arisen and how I had no idea what I would do if I couldn't somehow get the money back. I made rushed steps as I approached the bank, eager to get this done with. As soon as I was called up I immediately made my way to the person behind the counter.

"Hello there, how may I help you?" Asked the lady with a way to peppy attitude for my current distress.

"Hi, I just want to find out what's happened to the money in my account. It was all there a couple days ago and yesterday my card got declined and the balance somehow came to zero," I spoke hastily and handed her my card and account book.

"Right Miss, just give me a minute and I'll find out for you. Do you want a printed statement?" I nodded in the affirmative.

My fingers kept tapping on the glass between the employee and I and my legs wouldn't stop pacing in tiny steps. The lady realised too because she would keep looking up with a sympathetic smile before getting back to work.

" it says here that a company called Voltage Records has withdrawn the money from your account," she finally spoke after what felt like a decade.

"Wait.....what?" I held my hand up to stop her from speaking and the confusion in my words was very apparent.

"Yes, our bank have actually questioned them on this because you did a large amount saved but apparently their contract with you does state that they're able to do this so the bank didn't question it after that," the more words that came through her lips the more lost I was getting. Was it just me or did none of this make sense?

"And there's no way to get it back?" I finally said in a barely audible whisper. It was getting harder and harder to swallow.

" I'm afraid not. There's nothing we can do but you can go speak to the company yourself," I thought her advice over and considered it before replying.

"Y-yeah, sure that sounds like a good idea. Thank you," I collected my things and made a move to leave after I thanked her.

"No problem Miss. Good Luck," she smiled. For the first time that entire day I smiled too.


I walked straight into Tobias' office without even knocking. I was beyond pissed and I needed answers. Surprise, surprise the first thing I saw was him locking lips with a girl who looked about my age and that concerned me a bit seeing as he was in his late thirties - at least. Guess he's her sugar Daddy or something. They pulled back when they heard the door slam shut and the girl finally got off his lap.

"Camila......? What are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"We need to talk."

"Okay, Chanel can you give us a few minutes?" I rolled my eyes, her parents must have really hated her.

He straightened his shirt out and as usual motioned for me to sit but I stood my ground. Getting the message he dropped his hand.

"Well, what can I do for you?" He asked with a hint of smirk, making me very uncomfortable.

"I want to know where all my money's gone. I gave your company my card details because that's how you guys said you'd pay me. What I don't get is why there's nothing there anymore and why the bank has said it's part of my contract."

"Ah, well Camila darling, it is in fact part of the contract. How else did you expect to pay for all these sessions?" His eyes gave off dark undertones and his stare was unsettling as if it had other plans.

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