Chapter 8. Wild nights and confusion

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It was now 6:15 and the party was going to start soon so we had about an hour until it started. Lo walked out of our room wearing a black mid-length skin-tight dress and black heels. Her make up was very light in comparison. She was now stood in front of the bathroom mirror touching up her eye liner which only emphasised the sea-green that shone in her eyes. The constantly changing colours never ceased to look beautiful. They were the only colour that stood out from her outfit along with the silver from her necklace which consisted of the outline of two leaves. It was a way of showing our friendship. I was also unwilling to admit to her that the leaves reminded me of the intense colour of the things I loved about her, that she could probably use to hypnotise me; I know how annoyed she got claiming that people only liked her because of them. My necklace was two butterflies, somehow we were linked.


Two years ago

My laptop started ringing, incoming call from Lo it read. I eagerly accepted the skype call. Our conversation was going as normal, just asking each other how everything was going before Lauren started going off on a tangent.

"You are always wild and out going. You want to stretch out and follow your dreams. I don't want to stop you. I want to be there with you the whole way and watch you do just that. So I wanted to give you something. Is your sister at home?" She started.

"Yeah, why?" I asked curiously.

"She has something for you. Go ask her for it." I eagerly jumped from my bed in anticipation of what it could be and ran to my sister's room.

"Sofi!" I screamed as I reached her room.

"What do you want Big?" she huffed looking up from her drawing book.

"Lo said you have something for me."

"Oh. She wants me to give it to you?" I nodded answering her question. "Ok, well don't open it until you go back to speak to her then." My sister started to shuffle across her bed to her bedside drawer and rummaged through it before her hand emerged with a long, dark blue, velvet box. "Here," she handed it to me. "Hope you like it."

"Thanks," I replied hastily before I returned to my room. "Lo, ok, I got it. Now what?" I squealed as I jumped back onto my bed with the laptop.

"Right. Well, I know it's your birthday tomorrow and we won't be able to talk because you will probably go out with your family or something...." I nodded although that probably wasn't what I'd be doing tomorrow. "But I wanted to give you something because you're going to be 16 and mental. So just open the box."

I cautiously opened the rectangular gift box and gasped as I saw the necklace. Two butterflies; a large silver one and a small rose gold one on the lower left wing of the large butterfly. It sparkled as I turned it towards the laptop's light to get a better look.

"Oh my god!" I spoke in awe." "It's beautiful. You didn't have to do this," I insisted.

"You're my best friend. Of course I did. And I loved the necklace you got me and whenever I see it in the mirror it always reminds me of you." she explained cutely. "Yours is the butterfly because whatever it is you want to do in the future with that pretty little head of yours you can count on me. Kind of like how butterflies need the leaves to grow and survive. I want you to have an amazing future and fly and never stop following your dreams because I will be there with you every step of the way. Anyway it was supposed to be like a friendship thing because you gave me my necklace last month and I though it fit perfectly."

"I love it! Thank you so much. That was so cute, but I expect no less from the book lover if I'm being honest." I replied sincerely. She put so much thought into this I was so happy and lucky to have her. I would never forget that.

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