Chapter 23 - Repayment (I'M BACK GUYS)

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So the last time I posted was 3 years ago...damn that's a while. But the country is on lockdown now and I really have nothing to do and Camren is always in our hearts so I thought I'd try and finish this book. Key word: TRY. Please keep me motivated lmao I can't do this by myself . I hope you liked this chapter I honestly have no idea where I'm going with the story so we will figure it out together!

- Mehreen

Camila's POV

Fatigue had begun consuming us but not by choice. Dinah and I were trying our utmost best to reach that goal, to get that money for deceitful people like him but it still wasn't enough. I was running out of options fast and although my amazing blonde friend was helping me with the situation I couldn't keep inflicting this on her. It just wasn't fair.

"Tobias," I walked into his office without warning and surprise surprise there was a girl who looked old enough to be his daughter straddling him doing only God knows what. Said girl quickly got up, fixed her smudged lipstick and skirt before swinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder and walking out. It was almost rehearsed.

"I can't get the money, it's an impossible amount. Surely, you know that," I stated firmly.

"Well, Camila, my darling, you really have no choice here do you," he smirked with cat like eyes.

"Why are you doing this? I worked insanely hard for you and to make this work, and I just don't understand why this is happening to me of all people. You strangely enough made me feel special even if it was for a brief period." I watched him circle the desk as he straightened his shirt and tie up. He stopped in front of his little alcoholic station as I preferred to call it and poured a dark golden liquid from a transparent crystal bottle into his glass. The musky aroma reached my nasal within seconds though I was in the middle of the office. He began to near me with a smile only true evil could create.

"A man needs a way to make money Sweetheart. You don't have a lifestyle like I do by working honestly," he coughed out a small chuckle before continuing, "as you probably gathered this is not in the slightest my first ride in the business."

"And what business is that exactly? Extortion," I rebuked.

"Hmm, some say extortion but I prefer to call it a repossession. Insubordinates who can't tell a fraud don't really deserve the dime now do they?"

"At least we both agree that immorality riddles your sad existence."

"I suppose... if the money is too much of an issue I can think of other ways to be repaid...," the iris's looking back at me had darkened almost demonically.

I stumbled a few steps back as he closed in, "w-w-what are y-you talking about?"

"I think you know."

Before I knew it, his hands were on my waist forcing me backwards. He let go briefly to close the door entirely and pressed my back against the wooden door. The temperature difference made me shiver unnecessarily along with the abruptness of his touch.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I tried pushing him away but he pinned my arms up leaving me dejected.

"It's clear I'm not going to get what is mine so I'll have to settle for another form of payment," the words seethed from his gritted teeth.

My muscles were beginning to succumb to the fatigue of fighting and as they did he grabbed my waist in one quick, rough movement and swept me over his shoulder. I was still struggling in his grip and then he threw me onto the sofa and quickly got on top. He ripped the tie from his neck and stuffed it in my mouth, the fabric blocking any hope of communication. Blood furiously circled my body and there was a greater difficulty of breathing now there was an animal twice my weight on top of me. I was overwhelmed and my thoughts were rampant and it was at this singular moment that a stray tear streaked down from the corner of my eye. I really wished Lauren was here - she was strong, she could always say no and fight for herself, the girl inspired me like no one else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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