Chapter 15. Keep on hurting

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Zayn and I had been spending a lot of time together recently because being in the same classes meant we could work on our projects together. At the same time Lauren and I weren't as close as we used to be either. I was drowning in coursework and she..... well I don't actually know why we didn't spend much time together anymore. Before even if we never spent the day together we would at least spend the night in each others arms. But now Val moved the bed back to the wall because she "fixed" it. Something was definitely wrong but neither of us was willing to address it.

My mind wandered back to the phone call I had with my Mum last week and I let out an anxious breath of air. It may have had something to do with why I tried to keep my distance.


The Phone Call

All in my head by fifth harmony was blaring through my phone at a beautifully loud volume. Normally I would be dancing to the song in a great mood but the Caller ID made me stop dead in my tracks - Incoming call from Mum it read. A pit of nerves built in my stomach and I racked my brain for any reason of why she might be calling. I physically felt like I was going to be sick. All efforts to calm myself would inevitably fail so I decided to suck it up and answer the call.

"Hello," I answered the call. My voice came out slightly shaky. Get a grip Camila, I thought to my self.

"Hello? Karla?!" Her tone was sharp and not welcoming at all.

"Yeah mum? It's me."

"Why did you take ages to pick the phone?" She interrogated.

"I was doing work," I lied.

"I know what work you've been doing," my stomach dropped and I was feeling very claustrophobic all of a sudden.

"What?" I let out in a whisper.

"I've seen the pictures your friends have been posting on Instagram. You haven't been doing work. You've just been going to parties."

"What pictures? Which parties?" I asked utterly confused.

"Don't play stupid with me. I've shown them to your father too and he thinks you're getting too out of hand there."

Oh God. No. I knew exactly where this was going. The room was spinning and there was a violent pounding at my temples. I rubbed them trying to ease the pain with my right hand as I held my phone with the other.

"But I haven't done anything," I tried to argue but my speaking and breathing became difficult with my airways closing up from panic. I didn't know what to do.

A voice echoed from the hallways, "Camz! Camz! Alexa and Sam said they're going out." Her footsteps got closer and closer to the bedroom. "Do you want to come too - "

She gasped when she saw me hunched over her desk trying to breathe properly.

"Oh my God. Camz...." She rushed to my side and simultaneously I put the phone on mute so my Mum wouldn't know what was happening. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"My..... errr..... mum," I pointed to the phone that was now on the desk.

"It's okay. Just breathe. Is your Mum on the phone?" I nodded in response. "Okay I'll take care of this whilst we get you some water. Come on." She wrapped her right arm around my waist to help hold me up and the other was now occupied with my phone. She un-muted the call and held it to her ear.

"Hi Mrs Cabello. Camila just has to sign for a parcel for her textbooks for the second module. It might take a while because she has to make sure they're the right ones but what were you saying? I'll pass it on to her."

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