Chapter 18. Feeling

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December was uneventful. I didn't even go back home for Winter break because my Dad went on a business trip and my Mum and sister went to stay at my aunt's house. My aunt's children didn't particularly like me either so it was probably for the best that I didn't go home to England. Although I'm almost certain the $800+ for the plane ticket also had something to do with me not going back. During that time, I kept getting that feeling. Emptiness. When you have no reason to be unhappy and have everything you need but you have no inner contentment. Days had gone by without her. A week. Then two weeks. I felt the same. The life was slowly being drawn out of me.

No one knew of course. My childhood allowed me to pick up on certain skills. One being that I had learnt to mask my hurt. I would never fail to smile at anyone in School, or even now for that matter which was why nothing was ever suspected. Maybe if someone had realised this, my future wouldn't be as bleak. I was used to hiding behind my smiles. They were never fake smiles though. There would be no point in spreading them if they were. They were always real and genuine because I would hope that if someone else having a rough day was walking by, seeing a friendly smile would make things less daunting for them.

The loneliest people are the kindest. 

The saddest people smile the brightest. 

The most damaged people are the wisest. 

All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.

This was probably the most powerful thing I'd ever read on social media because it had a whole truth behind it. There were no complicated words involved either; it was simple and beautiful. Even now, my mind would wander back to the heart that could never be mine.

I was lying face down on the bed with my arms above me, groaning when I felt an arm fall on the back of my head.

"The door...," mumbled Dinah sleepily. She had just come back from her home a few days ago.

"Go away," I whined tightening the hold on my pillow.

"Go. The door," she repeated.

"No," I frowned. Just then a barely audible knock was heard.

"See? Now go," I heard her say as I felt her eyes on me.

"Nope," I turned away from her gaze.

"Urgh, you're so annoying," there was a shift in the bed as she got up. Her footsteps were leading towards the bedroom door and before she left she threw her soft pillow at me, hard

I lifted my head, "Oi," I whined tiredly before dropping back down.

I heard some muttering coming from down the hallway and rolled over before sitting up to hear better. I could make out the brief "okay, see you later" and then the door was being closed. 

"Oh. So now you decide to get up?" Dinah with arms folded as she strolled back into the room.

"What? Be quiet," I ignored her question. "So who was at the door?"

"Zayn," she stated simply.

"Huh? Why? He didn't come in did he?" I asked trying to peer around her body to see outside the room.

"No," she replied allowing me to breathe in relief. "But he's coming tonight."

"What?!" I half screamed. "Why? What did you say?"

"Camila, chill a bit would you. I just said that you were sleeping and he wanted to hang out with you so I told him to come back tonight."

I rubbed my forehead sleepily trying to understand the situation. "It's fine, I'll just tell him I'm busy or something."

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