Chapter 21. More Problems

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The next week consisted of lectures, lab reports, late night shifts and studio sessions. All of which kept me busy but I finally felt like I was doing something worth my time because music is the one thing everyone can relate to. I signed a contract the day after my meeting and was now "officially part of the Voltage Family" as Tobias put it. It all seemed kind of fast but I didn't question it, just go with the flow. I really should have fucking questioned it.

The producers made me take hours of sessions until I couldn't reach the notes anymore to see which songs fit with my voice. They made me practice dance moves with their choreographers the following week until my muscles screamed in pain. Everything was extreme but I didn't complain because then I'd seem like a brat, right?

"It's not that hard Camila," Marcus spoke with yet another incorrect pronunciation of my name. "It's forward. Slide. Drop. Kick and then Jump."

"I know. I'm sorry," I repeated for like the hundredth time already. I was not a born dancer, nor a professional singer and I had no idea why they didn't realise this when they fucking signed me. I tried the moves again only for him to shake his head in disapproval.

"You're not moving your hips," he crossed his arm over his chest, visibly irritated by my lack of coordination.

"I'm sorry, I just - " I was cut off by a blonde haired man that just radiated confidence. Tobias.

"Is everything alright in here?" He spoke in his smooth yet deep voice.

"Just peachy," spoke Marcus. "May I have a word with you?" He looked over at me before adding, "in private."

Clearly he's not a fan.

They walked out of the rehearsal studio and into the hallway with Marcus swinging the door shut behind him. It remained up just a crack. How splendid.

  "What's the problem Marcus? Make it quick, I have a meeting in 5 minutes."  

I heard some shuffling before the dancer's voice filled the silence.

" What's the problem?!" He attempted to whisper, "I cannot work with such an amateur."

"She's only been practicing for a week. You can't expect her to get them straight away," he spoke some sense right there.

"The girl's got 2 left feet for crying out loud! One step on stage in heels and you'll have to call  a lumberjack to yell Timber."

"Well I'm pretty sure I pay you to teach her to dance. So do your job before I cut you out of the budget." Damn, he means business.

With that I heard the heels of Tobias' shoes make a steady rhythm with the floor before fading into the other end of the hallway. Moments later Marcus re-entered the room looking severely pissed and honestly it was just my luck to get him as my dance teacher.


One month later

Rehearsals were monotonous, they didn't improve but they didn't get worse either and thankfully a new dance coach arrived who slightly more patient than that wanker anyway. We had recorded 6 songs, none of which were mine. I was still wondering when I would get the chance to even try and produce my own so i figured it would be best to talk to Tobias about it. He seemed like an understanding guy.

I asked Will for directions to his office and followed them exactly until I reached the familiar black door. I raised my fist to knock but hesitated half way. Was I being too demanding asking for some creative control? I mean I was the artist so I should have some, at least I thought I should. I really didn't know. This was my first experience with the music industry and it was nothing like I expected it to be. I didn't think the process would be this intense. What I did think is that these people were in this to change people's lives and make a difference through fan bases but all that seemed to be important was the money and material things. Guess I needed a reality check.

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