Chapter 4

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"Bradley, how are you sweetie?" Rachel blocks my view of the young boy she was talking about.

"Um.. good." A British accent replies. Interesting.

Rachel's dodges the boy and heads for the parents, revealing his figure to me.
He is small, brown-haired and brown-eyed, his hair being long and styled perfectly. He wears black jeans and a white t-shirt with a blue patterned un-buttoned shirt over the top, with folded sleeves.

His eyes stare at my body, starting at my feet and finished with his intriguing eyes meeting mine. His jaw drops and I'm not sure whether to be flattered or offended, but Rachel said he was polite so I take it I should be flattered.

"I'm Alison." I introduce myself, breaking his trance. The boy closes his mouth and I take a slow step towards him. "But you can call me Alli." I smile at him, trying to make things less awkward.

"You're beautiful..." He mutters, and I can't help but blush. "What? Uh, I mean-I'm Brad." Brad corrects himself, staring at his feet and taking a small step towards me.

"Nice to meet you Brad." I say, laughing a little.

"You too." He says, looking up at me slightly and I think I see a small smile appear on his face...

"Hi! I'm Amy!" I hear Amy's energetic voice from behind me and I spin around to face her, beaming.

"Hello." Brad mutters shyly. I'm confused; he seemed fine with me a second ago but now Amy's here he's all shy.

"This is Brad." I introduce him to Amy and he gives me a small thankyou smile and I smile back.

"I think he can introduce himself, Alli." Amy says to me with a smile and I see red creeping up poor Brad's cheeks.

"He's really shy." I whisper into Amy's ear, knowing Brad can hear me but I'm sure he doesn't mind, he seems nice enough.

"Ohhhhhhhhh." Amy says, staring at Brad like he is an animal at the zoo. "He's pretty hot." She whispers back, much too loud, and Brad pretends he doesn't hear.

"Yeah." I agree, and see Brad smile and blush. I laugh to myself and Brad looks up at me with a friendly gaze. Our body language is like having a conversation without speaking.

"Girls, these are Bradley's parents, John and Pauline. John and Pauline, this is Amy and Alison." Rachel introduces us proudly, as I step towards John and Pauline.

"It's lovely to meet you." I say, shaking both their hands. I feel so out of place in this fancy house meeting this fancy family, but I am grateful and want to be polite.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." John says.

"You are absolutely beautiful, Alison. And a beautiful name aswell." Pauline compliments me, and I thank her with a smile before the couple follow Rachel to the lounge room/bar.

"Oh, Amy dear, could you fetch some ice from the basement, please? And the old photo albums, you might have to do a bit of searching." Rachel calls out to a disappointed Amy.

"Of course." She sighs, following Rachel as I laugh at her.

"Do you want to come upstairs?" I ask Brad and he nods, following me up the stairs.

We walk into my bedroom silently and I shut the door behind us, desperately wanting Amy to come back so I have some entertainment.

"Did you just move here today?" Brad asks, sitting on my bed. He is much more confident one-on-one.

"Yeah." I reply simply, sitting down next to him. He discreetly shuffles slightly closer to me, until our shoulders are touching.

"Do you like it?" He asks, staring into my eyes. I can smell his minty breath, and as he speaks I think I see a mint in his mouth.

"It's different, but it's nice." I nod, looking around my room.

"Rachel never told us why you guys moved here." Brad asks, still staring into my eyes. It's a fair question, I could have any reason, it's just that mine is a bad one.

"Things were bad back home. My dad was very... abusive." I know I only met the boy, but I feel I can trust him. His face begins to fall and he opens his mouth for the next question.

"And your mother?" He asks, rather nosily, but I answer the question anyway.

"My father... killed her." I reply quietly, the tears welling in my throat straining my voice.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I-" He apologizes quickly, but I cut him off.

"No, it's fine. Just don't tell anyone, yeah?" I asks, staring back into his eyes.

"Of course." He replies and we sit in silence for a few minutes.

"What I said before about you being beautiful... I really meant it." Brad says and I feel his eyes burning into mine.

"Really?" I say, facing him. No one has ever thought of me as beautiful before. I mean, guys used to try fool around with me and call me hot or mint, but never beautiful. I can't help but blush and feel special.

"Yeah." He chuffs, surprised at my questioning. "Hasn't anyone ever told you?"

"No." I admit, shrugging.

"Seriously!" He says, raising his brows. "I can't believe that. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Really?" I say, not believing a word of it. He's gorgeous, he must have seen much more beautiful girls then me in his time.

"Yeah. I've seen the lot, but you're like an angel." Brad says, leaning his head in further. I know what I'm in for, and I lean mine in too, still staring into his eyes as he gazes into mine. "Sent from heaven."

Our lips collide and I feel his hand move from his pocket to my hip, pulling me closer gently. I intertwine my fingers in his hair and stroke it carefully, slipping my tongue in his mouth. This is the best kiss I have ever experienced. I never want this moment to end, I want it to last forever.

"Hey, where are you guys?" I hear Amy's voice calling from the hallway and I have a mini heart attack. Brad and I pull away at the same time, gasping for breath.

"That was-" Brad's voice is cut off by my bedroom door swinging open, revealing Amy.

Mine (Brad Simpson) {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now