Chapter 33

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My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal hazy, unclear visions of my father raising a fist. Then, clearly, I hear a sharp knock at the door. My father stops in his tracks.

"Open up, Alli!" I would recognize that voice anywhere - Brad, "I need to talk to you!" 

"He just doesn't stop..." I hear my father mumble as he places a hand to his temple, "Right. Scream and you die, got it?"

I nod sleepily - I don't have the energy to scream anyway. My father walks to the back of the chair and cuts my hands free, clearly not having the time to untie the quadruple-knot, and drags me into the kitchen, stuffing me in the pantry.

"You wait here, alright?" He asks and I nod sleepily as he shut the pantry door - as if I could get away in this state?

For a moment, I wonder what he's doing, but then I realize - Brad has never seen my father in person before. He heard him on the telephone in the hospital and stories that I'd told him and Jack was the one that beat him up, but he hasn't actually met my father. Even if he had, he wouldn't remember. He wouldn't remember that I have an evil father trying to kill me.

I try my best to keep my eyes open to peak through the slits in the pantry door, but I simply cannot. So, I drift off into blackness once again.


"Open up! Come o-" The door swings open to reveal an older man, narrowing his eyes at me suspiciously.

"What do you want?" He asks, eyeing me up and down.

"Who are you?" I ask and his eyebrows raise.

"None of your business! What do you want, boy?" He snaps rudely

"I just need to see Alli..." I stretch to try and see past him but he closes the door further so that I can only see his face, "Is she in there?"

"No." He says quickly, too quickly, "Go away."

With that, the door slams shut. I sigh and turn away; I guess I'll have to come back later. As I start to make my way down the steps leading up to Alli's front door, I hear a crashing coming from the inside. Then a faint scream and a curse. 

A scream... 

I run back up to the door and fling it open, finding the man previously at the doorstep standing in the kitchen with a knife in hand; Alli, almost unrecognizable, is hunched in a ball on the floor, her arms raised in front of her in defense.

"I told you to go!" The man shouts, taking a step toward me.

"What did you do to her?" I ask, gesturing to Alli, whom I can't bear to look at. 

"I gave her what she deserves." He hisses, taking another slow step toward me.

"You're her father, aren't you!?" I ask, realization setting into my brain.

"I think you're a bit confused, Bradley." The man - Alistair - says, taking yet another step closer, "Maybe it's because of your memory loss. Maybe you should go back home and rest."

I know what he's doing; he's trying to trick me into feeling sick and confused. Well, I'm not falling for it.

"I'm just fine, thanks." I say harshly, "And besides; my memory loss is gone. I remember everything."

A flicker of emotion - annoyance, surprise - crosses his face, but it is gone quickly and replaced with humour.

"That doesn't matter," He laughs, stepping toward me again, now we are in arms length, "I'm going to kill you anyway."

Next, Alistair lunges at me quickly, but I anticipated the move and grab his hand, turning the knife around on himself. His eyes widen as he looks down at the move, but he raises a fist to punch me - which I dodge and knee him in the stomach for.

"Are you gonna stop and let me call the cops now, or do I have to hurt you some more?" I ask, kneeing him again for the mere pleasure.

"I... can't let you ruin... this..." He chokes out, trying to turn the knife on me again so I turn it and stab him in the waist, hard.

Alistair gasps and falls to the ground on his knees, clutching the knife stuck in his waist. He looks down at it, eyes widening, before glaring back up at me.

"You'll... pay..." He says as he collapses onto his back.

I instantly run over to Alli, who is hunched on the ground but when I try to approach her, she flinches away. 

"Hey, hey, hey..." I coo, reaching out slowly to stroke her face, and she visibly relaxes when I do so, "it's okay, sweetheart. It'll be okay, I'm here now."

"I..." She chokes, sobbing, "I..."

"Shh, it's okay. Don't talk." I assure her, "I'm just going to phone the police, okay? It's okay, it's okay." 

I repeat comforting words into her ear as I hold her, only stopping to talk to the woman on the other end of the line who promises to send the police and an ambulance within the hour.

About ten minutes later, sirens wail right outside the house and policemen armed with guns, tazors and batons burst through the door, aiming everywhere and anywhere.

"Is this the man?" One of the older ones with a brown moustache asks and I nod, "Cuff him." 

Two other, younger police officers fix handcuffs around Alistair's hands and drag him out of the house.

"He's gone now." I whisper to Alli, wiping her tears away because she physically cannot do it herself, "He can't hurt you anymore."

Alli nods, burying her face back in my chest as I hold her tightly.

"Poor girl..." The police officer mumbles a little too loudly, watching us pitifully.

"D-Do you remember me n-now?" Alli says through her sobbing.

"Yes, baby. I remember every single thing. I'm so, so sorry I forgot but I will never, ever again forget how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I'm so sorry." I apologize.

"It's okay, i-it's not your fault." I am about to open my mouth to speak again, but she interrupts before I get the chance, "You're here now and that's a-all that matters."



A week of court trials, police interviews and hospital reports later and I am somewhat back to normal. Brad and I are happier than ever and my father is finally locked away, along with Amy and Jack, whom the police found hiding out in a local park. They were always idiots.

Brad and I sit on the end of the pier at a nearby beach, our legs hanging over the edge, swinging back and forth as we sit in eachothers arms happily.

"Things are starting to work out, huh." Brad muses, smiling satisfactorily. 

"Don't jinx us just yet." I joke with a laugh, "There's bound to be something standing in the way." 

"I don't care what stands in the way." Brad turns to me, his chocolate brown eyes boring into my own blue eyes, "I will fight whatever battles I need to. Whatever it takes." 

And as our lips touch, molding together perfectly, the pieces of my once impossible-seeming puzzle begin fitting together.

And I realize; there is no place I'd rather be than in this boys comforting, strong arms.




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Keep on trucking <3

I love you all <3

Emily xx

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