Chapter 7

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"What?" I ask, confused. What did I do?

"You and Brad have been all over eachother all night and you know I like him!" Amy sobs into a pillow as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"What? No we haven't." I lie. It wasn't that obvious, was it?

"Oh please, everyone saw you holding hands at dinner. It was hardly subtle." She rolls her eyes, sitting up.

"Really? Was it that obvious?" I say without thinking. "I mean, no. We weren't." I quickly try to cover it up, but it's too late. My slip up will cost me.

"Alli! I can't believe this, you knew I liked him!" She throws another pillow at me but I catch it before it hits me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I can't help it, he's gorgeous! And so kind." I find myself beginning to daydream about Brad and I holding hands and kissing.

"How would you know, he barely talks." Amy breaks my thoughts rrudely.

"Only when you're around. He's really not that shy, Ames." I sigh, resting against the headboard.

"So I'm the problem?" She says, tears threatening to spill from her eyes once again.

"Amy, listen. He's one guy. You're a beautiful girl. There's going to be plenty more out there, okay? Just because he's interested in me doesn't mean it's the end of the world." I say.

"Well I forbid you from being with him." Amy announces evilly.

"What!?" I gasp, my head snapping to face her.

"You heard me. You can't be with him, and that's final." She says snootily, staring at the ceiling.

"Are you seriously so proud that you can't be happy that you best friend has finally found someone that treats her the way she deserves to be treated? You seriously can't be happy that I've found someone who makes me happy, and isn't a douche like the rest of the guys?" I say, standing up and glaring at her.

"You can't see him, Alison. I'm not discussing it any further." She says, not looking at me. I feel the tears rising in my throat and they begin to pour out before I can run from the room.

"Well, I never wanted a guy to ruin our friendship, but if this is how you're going to react every time I'm happy then I don't think we can be friends anymore." I say, catching her attention with the last few words.

"Seriously?" She gapes at me.

"I love you, Amy. We've been through so much together, but I won't have you stopping me from being happy. Friends are supposed to be supportive and understanding and I thought you of all people would be happy for me. But obviously not." I say, turning on my heel and walking from the room.

"No, Alli, wait! I didn't mean it, I was just mad! Stop, Alli!" Amy calls after me and I want to stop, I do. But I just keep walking. Down the stairs, through the hall and out the door. I don't know which is Brad's house, but John mentioned their Christmas lights and red Lamborghini in the driveway.

I scan the street and spot the house, almost directly across from ours. I stand out the front and pull my old Nokia out of my pocket.

To Brad:

I am outside ur house, do I sneak in or ring the doorbell? xx


I press the send button and tap my foot while waiting for a reply. I start to walk back across the street when the front door opens.

"Come in, quietly. Mum and dad are in bed." Brad whispers, holding out his arms. I feel the tears streaming from my eyes as I run into his arms, hugging tightly.

Mine (Brad Simpson) {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now