Chapter 10

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We roll up to a massive mansion a few streets away from ours. Brad shuts off the engine and opens the car door and I do the same.

He grabs my hand tightly, pulling me to his side as we walk through the door.

"Brad! Hey, mate! Simpson!" Many people call out to Brad as we walk through the door, and I immediately feel out of place. Brad notices and pulls me toward the couch near a small group of boys.

"Hey, Brad!" One says. We sit on the couch, Brad still grasping my hand tightly.

"Alli, this is Tristan, James and Connor." Brad introduces me to the three boys sitting before me and I smile uncomfortably at them.

"So is this your lady?" One says, slipping onto the couch next to me. Brad instantly pulls me closer to him, and I am thankful. I cuddle into his chest and play with Brad's feet with my own.

"Yes, Connor. Back off." Brad says through his teeth and I see his knuckles go pale white from clenching them. I rub my hand against his thigh and they return to normal colour.

"Okay, okay, calm down. I'm just mucking around." Connor raises his hands in defense, not moving from his couch spot.

"Yeah well don't muck around with her." Brad warns, and as I look to his eyes they are threatening. I stroke his cheek gently and his eyes soften immediately as he looks down to my eyes and smiles.

"Okay, okay." Connor says and a thought crosses my mind.

"Brad." I say and he snaps his head in my direction.

"What is it?" He says, cupping my chin.

"I think we should set Amy and Connor up on a blind date." I say and a smile begins to form on his face.

"What?" Connor asks, looking towards us.

"That's actually a really good idea..." Brad says, thinking. He leans over me and faces Connor.

"This chicks really hot, her names Amy and she's really nice. Meet her at The Bistro tomorrow at 12:00 for lunch, yeah? But be nice, she's had a rough time with guys." Brad says and Connor nods excitedly. "I mean it, Connor. No fucking around with her, this is a real date. When she gets mad she's mad okay. She's had a really rough life." Brad warns and Connor nods seriously this time.

I clap my hands and pull out my phone to text Amy.

To Amy:

Got you a date tomorrow, The Bistro @ 12:00 sharp. His name is Connor he's Brad's friend. Hot and seems cool. xx

As I press the send button I hear Brad curse.

"Brad!" A male voice calls from our left and Brad snakes his arm around my back and grips my waist.

"Hey, Jack." Brad sighs as a tall, toned blonde man shoves Connor off the couch and takes his seat.

"Hey there." The boy winks at me and I feel Brad tense next to me.

"Hi." I say quickly, making a point to look at him funny.

"I'm Jack Power." Jack says, holding out his hand.

"Alli Shaw." I say, reluctantly shaking his gigantic hand.

"You sure are a pretty one." Jack says, leaning back slightly and staring at my behind.

"Uhm... thanks." I say awkwardly, leaning into Brad.

"Oh, so you two are a thing?" He asks.

"Not... exactly." I say as Brad pulls me closer to him.

"Oh so you won't mind if I have a dance then?" Jack smirks at Brad, holding his hand out to me.

"Just one." He promises and Brad reluctantly lets me go.

"Come on, Alli. Let's dance." Jack winks just as a slow moving song comes on the speakers.

I reluctantly place my hands around his neck as he places his around my waist. I can feel Brad's eyes watching us like a hawk, and I am glad.


I scowl as I see Jack's hand move further down Alli's waist, finishing at her arse. He squeezes it gently and leans in to whisper in her hear.

"Fucking faggot." I slam my cup against the table and scowl as Jessica walks toward me, taking a seat next to me.

"What do you want?" I spit at her as she tries to lean against my shoulder but I move away.

"You." She whispers quietly, stroking my arm.

"Fuck off, Jessica!" I hiss, watching as Jack nods toward me and Jessica and Alli's smile turns to a frown.

"Aw, is little Brad heartbroken over that girl." She pouts, putting on a baby voice.

"Leave me alone!" I shout, standing up and I swear half of the room stops to look at me, but when I glare they quickly turn back. They know from experience how bad I can get. So does Jack, but clearly he doesn't care.

"Woah, Brad, take it easy. She just wants to have some fun." James says.

"Well I don't want to have fun with her!" I say, trying to lower my voice.

"Come on Brad, like the old times." Jessica steps towards me and I immediately feel Jack and Alli's eyes on me.

"Get away from me. Now. I won't have you ruining things between Alli and I." I say, taking a step back but hitting my back against the wall.

"Just one kiss, Brad." Jessica says, taking a step towards me. She has me cornered and I don't know what to do. She leans in and shuts her eyes. I'm going to need a miracle to save myself from this one. I look up at Jack and Alli, who are turning to walk away. Fucking Jack, I won't let him take her from me. Just as Jessica's lips are about to collide with mine, I slide down the wall and duck out of her view, chasing after Alli. Jessica's lips hit the wall and her expression becomes surprised.

"Alli!" I call, but she doesn't turn around. "Alli, wait!"

"Brad, wait up!" Jessica calls from almost directly behind me.

"Fuck you, Jessica, leave me alone!" I scream, flipping her off and she huffs, walking away.

"Alli, baby, please. Open the door." I knock furiously on the bathroom door and try opening it, thankfully it's unlocked.

The sight before me is horrific. Jack is pinning a squirming Alli to the wall and kissing her intently, moving from her lips to her jawline to her neck.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" I boom, running towards Jack and throwing a punch to his face.

"What, Bradley, don't like your girlfriend kissing other people?" Jack teases, pouting and returning to Alli.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER. LEAVE BEFORE I CAVE YOUR SKULL IN." I shout, kicking him in the balls and throwing a punch to his jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"Alli, are you okay, baby?" I ask a sobbing Alli and she shakes her head no, crying into my shoulder.

"I... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you dance with him. I knew he would have done something like this." I say, almost in tears myself from seeing her this way.

Mine (Brad Simpson) {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now