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Tammy’s P.O.V

I don’t know what possessed me, but I couldn’t help but stare at him he looked so damn fine! But he had to ruin it didn’t he… “Done checking me out princess?” he said while helping me up & he couldn’t help but smirk ….. And since when does he call me princess??!?  ”Keep dreaming you—“ I was cut off by Sophie clearing her throat, looking at us with a suspicious look, once I realized we were basically face to face, one wrong move and our lips would meet, I could help but blush since I finally got why Sophie was giving us that look. I ran and grabbed Sophie by the arm and went back to my room, I completely forgot I was meant to get us snacks, but instead I was close to kissing my brother’s bad boy best friend.

“What happened??!!!” is all Sophie said once we got into my room. “Nothing, we just bumped into each other” “Yeah right what were you two talking about then huh?”  “Well……………hekindasawmecheckinghimoutandhehadastupidremarkandiwaslikeinyourdreams and yeah” I said as fast as I could so we could get off the topic, “Say what!!!” how she understood me I don’t know, must be a best friend thing. “Did I like ruin  a moment or something” she asked with a sad yet amused tone in her voice “No you didn’t ruin anything coz there wasn’t anything happening!” “yeah right! You suck at lying “she was right, you could always tell by the look on my face if I was lying; it was such a curse I swear!

Soph and I just chilled for a little bit before she had to leave, since we had school tomorrow, “See you tomorrow Tamz, have fun with the guys “ she said with a wink as she was leaving, I couldn’t help but start blushing. “Are you living here now or what?” I asked him since he always seemed to be here, even before they left for half of the year, “Not that you would mind, I bet you’d love to see this pretty face 24/7” he said adding a wink, which made me blush, but when Tyler walked into the room, he had a suspicious look on his face too and he kept looking back and forth between Ashton and I, that’s when the blush deepened; since it was the same look Sophie gave us.

For the rest of the night we watched horrors and just chatted about everything that’s happened the last couple of months they’ve been gone. “I’m going to bed now see you in the morning” I announced as I went upstairs to my room.




“Wake up sleeping beauty” I opened my eyes to find him hovering over me with his hand on both sides of my face. “What the hell are you doing in my fucking room you--” i was saying till he put his hand over my mouth so I would shut up, little does he know I’m not the same girl; I quickly kneed him got up, pushed him off my bed and dragged him out; this wasn’t as easy as I thought it was gonna be (why does everything seem better in my head) ….. when he finally left my room, I closed it; this time remembering to lock it and started my usual morning routine after showering I decided to go for a more of a badass look; I wore my leather tight pants, white tank top with some combat boots and a leather jacket and a high messy bun in its natural curls. As I  made my way downstairs I saw the boys staring, just the reaction I wanted, I couldn’t help but smirk at Ashton’s reaction to what I was wearing his jaw was basically hanging to the ground. I grabbed an energy bar and made my way to the door,” Bye, see you guys at school” … “Isn’t it a bit early to go to school??” Tyler asked as he came from the kitchen, “I’m going to Starbucks with a couple of friends” I basically whispered and ran out the door; basically cause Tyler would want to know who all I was going with, their history, how long have we been friends and if there would be any guys, mean while he allowed his 17year old best friend to be around me like 24/7??!

When I finally got to Starbucks, I saw my friends as soon as I made my way in , well who wouldn’t miss them, they were all waving like I was 100 yards away! .. when I sat down I greeted them; it was Sophie, Anna, Brielle, Troy ( Brielle’s twin brother) and Connor.                                                                      Sophie has blonde hair, light shade of blue eyes, a great figure (even though she says I have a better figure) she was smart, we were both in advanced classes. Anna is the badass and has a mouth on her; don’t let her name fool you to think she’s innocent, and she has raven hair. Brielle is the ‘sunshine and rainbows’ in our ‘clique’ I guess, she was an A straight student, with red hair (she dies it- no one could have natural hair like hers!) and her brother; Troy has blonde hair and is one of the those popular jocks. Then you get Connor he has blonde hair and is my best guy friend, he shared all the same classes with Sophie and I but, missed the first day since he was dealing with some football stuff…yes he is also a jock, he plays nearly every sport at school he is you typical all-rounder; good in academics, sports and everything else.

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