CHAPTER 6: If looks could kill

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A/N : just felt like updating something a bit earlier than usual :) xx


“Please we didn’t see anything please let us go!!” I pleaded

“Sorry I can’t let you go anywhere dear, you saw too much the both of you” he said in is British accent. He had a scar on his left cheek, which went all the way to his eye.

“She didn’t see anything let her go, I’m the one who yelled, let her go, and kill me” I can’t believe she was going to give up her life for me.

“Or I could just shoot both of you”

After he said that I shut my eyes, knowing I was about to die, I heard three gun shots, and I felt someone fall to my left, I knew what happened she was dead, but what I didn’t expect was someone fall to my right? I opened my eyes to find the man that had kept us hostage for a week was dead,

But so was my sister.

*End of Flashback*

Yes I had a sister, she was the oldest out of the three of us, she was turning eighteen the day of my party, which was a day before my birthday.

As soon as I got home, I told the limo driver to drop off the girls at their houses, Sophie refused to leave, and since she lived close by she would walk home after we find out what happened.

I couldn’t stop wondering, what happened, is my family safe? Do I still have a family? After all that happened, I took therapy for one year, just to get everything off my chest, and that it wouldn’t affect me in later life. I wasn’t still sad or anything about what happened, I’ve been able to live with it, and so has the rest of the family after three months of therapy as a family.

When I got inside I saw my mom sitting in the dining room crying …. Sophie saw and decided to leave, and that she’d call me later.

“Mom what’s wrong?” I said as I walked in the dining room, Tyler was pacing back and forth while my dad was comforting my mom, when I saw she was holding a picture in one hand and a small note in the other. When I got close I say it was a family picture of us when Tamera was still alive. And her face was marked off of the picture with a marker, and Tyler and I were circled, and the note read, “You took out brother, so we’ll take away your loved ones too”

I was frozen; I knew exactly who this was from, the guy who killed my sister.

After five minutes the police arrived, and spoke to both my parents while Tyler and I were in the living room, I had texted the girls and told them what had happened. Tyler called Ashton for some reason and told him to come over as soon as possible. Another five minutes went by, and Ashton had arrived, Tyler explained what had happened and now they were discussing my protection?

“Guys I don’t need protection from the two of you, I can handle myself and I’ll try and be around Connor most of the time, besides he is in all my classes except the ones I’m in with you guys or Sophie.”

“Listen we’ve been fighting since-“

“Wait what you fight!!!??”

  “You never told her did you” Ashton said looking at my brother.

“It never really came up” he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck

“Three years, and you haven’t told her.”

“What type of fighting do the two of you do??”

“MMA and if we need the money, we’ll take part in street fights” said Ashton

Falling For The Bad Boy-ClichéOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora