CHAPTER 7: Why leave me alone with the bad boy?

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”Need help there” a familiar voice said, wait it was that same British accent from earlier in the passage …..

I stood still on the floor. I knew better, I should have made a run for it, but I couldn’t, I was too… scared.

“Tammy what’s wrong?”  I heard Liam’s say, before he knelt down to me


“Why are yo -“

Tammy what’s wrong, why you crying, YOU get away from her NOW!” I heard Ashton before I heard someone get shoved into a locker, I didn’t realise I was crying till Ashton asked why I was crying.

Ashton picked all the invites up for me and put them in my bag. Then we started walking to the gym. “Tammy are you alright, what happened what did he do?”

“He did nothing! He saw me there and came over to help… I-“

“What happened did –“

“Ms Moore mind joining us and Mr Stormburg you’re not in this class get to where you need to be, before I put you in detention!” said Mr Clark then blew his whistle, I don’t know why he had to blow that thing after he gave instructions out!?!??

“Yeah whatever, see you after school Tamz”

“After dance practise”

“Ok bye.” And with that he left and I walked into the gym, as soon as I walked in all eyes were on me, and there was a police officer there too, he looked familiar.

“Ah Ms Moore there you are I would like to talk to you about something.” Know I remember him, he’s one of the police officers involved with the case we’re involved in, “Hello .. Martin if I’m correct?”  I asked him after changing into my dance clothes and everyone had started to head outside or the one side of the class for dance.


“So what do you have to talk to me about sir?”

”I’m just here to check up on you and to make sure nothing’s happened today, or anyone contacting you about what your parents received  yesterday?” should I say anything about what happened today???

“No , no I haven’t sir.”

“Okay that’s all, enjoy the rest of your day and stay safe.” He said and left, should I have told him about what has happened today ….

Dance class had begun already when I got there, I warmed up quickly loosening up my muscles, I haven’t danced in a while, I don’t know why but I just haven’t. once done warming up I made my way to the rest of the girls, we were just doing the basics for today, which was easy for me and the girls, the two other girls seemed well…. To be getting the hold of it.

Once class was done, the girls and I stayed in our clothes since we had dancing soon. Once everyone left, other girls started coming in – they were in the same dance class as us, then the teacher finally arrived, she was probably in her early forties.

“Okay we’re gonna  –“she was interrupted by the doors opening, revealing Ashton, and his friends, I didn’t know their names, but I knew I soon would.

“Who do you think you are interrupting my lesson!” Ms Lauren yelled at the boys

“Was that a question or do you just like yelling” said one of the twins.

“Sorry about him ma’am, but we need to stay because we have to take one of your umm dancers?.. Home after your um... Lesson”

“I never knew Ashton has manners” whispered Sophie, “Me neither.” I said, cause ever since I’ve known Ashton; which is since I was in diapers, he has never respected teachers, not one.

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