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“Wait... ugh I suck … I should have asked you first, well Sophie would you like to go on this date with me?”


Sophie’s P.O.V

“I-I –“ I was truly speechless …

“She’ll love to.” Wait what!!! What the hell was Tammy getting me into!

“Wouldn’t you Soph?” she then turned to me with one of her looks…

“Um sure why not” I said with a sheepish smile.


Tammy’s P.O.V

 The ‘double date’ I guess went well I guess, but I didn’t have much to say, not that it mattered, Sophie and Matt sure did hit it off straight away.

As soon as I got home I got a text from an unknown number?

See you spending even more time with Stormburg

Oh and your friend sure seems precious to his friend, wouldn’t want anything to happen to her would we…

-You know who







Guess it’s time to get up, it’s finally Friday, the night of my party, I guess I don’t seem excited but I am, it’s just so damn early in the morning!

*Knock on the door* “hey are you up?”

“No” I mumbled from under the covers.

“Great!!” said Sophie as she came into my room, how anyone could be so happy, so early in the morning, I don’t get!

“Come on get up, we have a big day ahead of us, the girls are downstairs.”

“How do you people get up so damn early in the morning !”

“Just get up!!!”







Okay I guess I should get up, I don’t think I can handle getting hit with a pillow anymore.

“Fine!!!” I said as I got up and walked off to my bathroom.

After my morning routine, with an extra 10 minutes in the shower.

I decided I’d dress up since my mom would be with us when we get our hair done and stuff, yes my mom is letting me bunk school today and the other girls too. I wore a blue summer dress with white pump and a messy bun.

As soon as I got down stairs I was dragged out of the house to my mom’s car, yes my mom does actually have a car and she can drive. “Wait I didn’t even eat anything!”

“Here” then Ann threw me an apple.” Eat this”



It was three hours before the party and we had gotten our hair and makeup done, we were in my room just chilling, and touching up our hair and makeup.

The girls were all getting ready, but all I could do was look at the text I got yesterday….. I guess I have to tell Tyler now, since Sophie was in danger too, she was like a little sister to him.

“Tamz aren’t you gonna get ready?” said Brielle as she was zipping up Ann’s dress.

“Um yeah”


We could hear the music from down stairs in the dancing room, yes we have a room like that.

5 minutes till our entrance, the only things I could think about were; Sophie’s protection and  the fact that Ashton was downstairs ….

“Are you alright” said Sophie as she sat down next to me, “Yeah I’m fine, just promise me you’ll stay with me tonight” she gave me a confused look but just said, “Yeah of course anything for my best friend” then she engulfed me into a hug.


Time to make our entrance!


Unknown P.O.V

 She looked breathe taking walking down those stairs, the dress looked amazing on her. I should really tell her before it’s too late…..


Ashton’s P.O.V

She looked incredible, I can’t wait for the night to begin,  I can already tell that I’ll love her forever…. Wait.. Did I just say …. Love…..

Sophie’s P.O.V

The night started off great, we were dancing the night away we had changed into our dresses for the rest of the evening, and Tammy looked amazing in the dress her mom made her!

She wasn’t joking when she said, not to leave her, everywhere I went she followed me, I don’t know what was up with her, but I’ll find out later tonight, but right now I’ve got to find a way to ditch her and meet up with Matt….. we’ve become so close over just one day….

“Listen I’ll be back, just gotta go to the bathroom” I said as I started walking off,

“I’ll come with, but I’ll wait outside for you” she said as she linked our arms, she wasn’t being serios right now was she!?

“Listen I’ll be fine, enjoy the night this is your party after all.” I quickly walked off.

Matt and I agreed to meet in the front of the house.

*Hour Later*

Tammy’s P.O.V

It’s been an hour now, it can’t take a person that long to pee, besides I’ve checked all the bathrooms and she’s nowhere to be found!!

“Hey Tammy have you seen Sophie, we were meant to meet an hour ago outside but she wasn’t there and I waited 30 minutes but she didn’t show up.”

The only thing going through my mind was;

He got her

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