Broken hearts and faces

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“Oh Tyler….”

“Hey Soph, can I talk to my sister alone please” he said with anger in his voice, I couldn’t, turn around to face him. Sophie gave me a look that said ‘good luck and sorry’ before she got up and walked off.

“Wtf were you doing alone with Ashton, the whole school is talking about it, I don’t need to worry about you getting hurt from one of those b*tches”

“You shouldn’t be mad at me, he kissed me, I didn’t kiss him!” I yelled getting attention from everyone in the room, I suddenly felt my cheeks turn a shade of red, I hated the attention

“Whatever, I’ll talk to you at home about this.” before I could respond he left the library slamming the doors as he left; someone defiantly has anger issues they need to sort. And oh the joy of the ‘talk’ we gonna have once I get home, [note the sarcasm]

I made my way to find sophie in the library to find her with Brielle. “What the hell happened back there, you’re not one to make a scene” said Brielle in a concern tone, “Guess he heard about what happened” “What did happen?” they asked in unison, I honestly didn’t have an answer for them. “Listen guys I really don’t wanna talk about it right now, how about we have a sleepover since it’s Friday and everything” … “Of course” they said in unison with a big smile on their faces.

We made our way to lunch after the bell rang, as soon as we got to the doors of the cafeteria I looked at both Sophie and Brielle, with Soph on my left and Brie on my right, we linked arms and made our way into the cafeteria; as soon as we stepped into that room all eyes were on me, I couldn’t help but stare at the ground as we made our way to our friends, as we were walking I could hear people whispering to their friends and I heard them mention my name and … Ashton’s….

As soon as we got to the table we told Anna about the sleepover and she agreed. We had a peaceful lunch, people soon got over me, well at least they weren’t staring and gossiping anymore.

The rest of the day went by quickly. As soon as the final bell rang I drove Sophie home so she could get her stuff for tonight, the drive from her house to mine wasn’t far; we lived a block away from each other. ”So what did Ty say to you when I left?” … “What… oh he just spoke about the kiss and he said we would talk at home, oh yeah do you wanna go shopping tomorrow once the girls leave?” … “Aaah I see what you doing, you trying to ignore the subject about you and his best friend kissing, well probably use to be best friend“… “No I’m not, and don’t say that they’ll still be best friends” but it was true I was just trying to avoid ‘the talk’ I was gonna have with my brother, but why would kissing me not make them friends it was just a kiss? Right?


I thought he wouldn’t be home yet, need to think of a way to get to my room straight away without him noticing im home and why is he home early anyway?? Then I thought of an idea…When we finally got to my house, I grabbed Sophie by the arm and told her to run as fast as she can when we get inside, when she finally got why I said this we made our way inside I ran upstairs with her behind me, as I was about to close my door I heard Tyler, “Tamz are you home?” I heard him coming upstairs, so I quickly tried to close the door, hence the word ‘tried’. “fuck” … “Language lil sis” he said, I could hear the satisfaction in his voice…”come down stairs for a minute?”… “Fine, Sophie I’ll be right back” is all I said before walking to the living room downstairs. 

“Why were you and Ashton making out”

“We f- -“ I stopped myself took a deep breath and carried on where I left off,”We weren’t making out he just kissed me, I don’t know why but he just did.”

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