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Nash's pov (night of the wedding)

"This is Blake Carden Grier, and he is my one year old son" I say to Cameron very nervously.

Cameron stares at me for a long period of time, then slowly moves his gaze to Blake.

He slowly stands up and comes over to me slightly.

"Nash, I can't believe this" is all he says.

Is he mad? Is he happy?

"Nash, why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't of told anyone if you didn't want me too. How did this happen?" He asks me softly with a pinch of pain.

"Cam, I don't want you to be hurt. In honesty, I wasn't ready for a kid, okay there I admit it. She came then left once he turned one. I didn't want anyone else involved until I could handle him myself." I say honestly.

"Nash, I would've been there to help if it was a little to much for you, not only Blake, but be there for you. You were going threw a lot" he comes over and hugs me.

He stares at Blake like he is a trophy. He reaches out signaling if he could hold him.

I gladly accept and gently pass him over.

"Nash, he has all your features, especially your signature eyes" he says sweetly.

"Cameron, please don't be mad at me. I know we are best friends. But this, this I had to figure out on my own" I tell him.

"Nash it's fine. I get it, I probably would've done the same. Now can you tell me how it happened?"

I knew this question would come up.

Brooklyns pov (2 weeks later)

Hawaii was the best place on earth I have traveled too. Not only was it amazing I got to spend the time with my amazing husband.

We just got off the plane, and we ordered an uber.

"It said that the uber will be here in 10 minutes" Shawn says.

Non if the guys know we are back, which is good because we want to surprise them.

"How about we call them and tell them to meet up at Nash's place so we can factime them, they will think we are in Hawaii still" Shawn suggests.
"That sounds great."

Group chat with: cammy, blue eyes, bandana boi, Espinosa Rex, a-aron, cartah, blue eyes 2

Hey everyone, Shawn and I were wondering if you all could gather St Nash's place, so we could FaceTime you all?

We instantly got responses.

Sure, sounds great, awesome, miss you guys

FaceTime in 15 minutes

Okay, alright

Our uber pulled in and we climb in.


We arrived at Nash's house, and we thank the uber guy and climb out.

We stay at the road and FaceTime the guys.

"Aye it's Brooklyn and Shawn!" Cameron says.
"How's it going there in Hawaii?" Hayes says.

"It's all going good" shawns says but I laugh.
"What's funny" Aaron asks.
"Nothing" I saying trying to get it together.

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