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Brielle's POV

"He said yes!" Blake answers after he ends his phone call with his dad.

I go on my phone and look at the time.

11:59 am

I lay my head down on Blake's shoulder and sigh.

"What's wrong princess?" He asks.
"I don't want to go back to class" I answer.
"It will be okay, hold on"

He goes back on his phone and calls someone.

I wander back on my phone and don't listen to anything said.

I feel a poke on my arm and look up at Blake.

"I called my dad and he called yours and I explained the situation and my dad said he would come and pick us up" he smiles.
"Of course" he laughs.

I kiss him and then realize that we need to go back in and pack our stuff up.

We walk hand and hand into the school and we split ways to go to our lockers.

Everyone is in class so I'm okay.

"Hey babe where you going?" I hear the creepy voice known as Steven.
"Doctors appointment" I lie.
"Sure about that?"

I nod my head.

"Bet you are, but you know what? I'm going to have to make you a little late" he says and pushes me onto my locker.

"Ste-even please d-dont" I beg him.
"Sorry sweetie" he grins and I feel a heat sensation on my cheek and followed by a punch in my stomach.

My tears that have been building eventually fall.

"Ple-please plea-ase st-ttop" I stutter.

He continues to throw punches and slaps.

I eventually give up fighting and he notices it.

He stops and smacks his hands together in satisfaction.

I lay up against the locker and close my eyes.

I remember my phone is in my back pocket so I pull it out.

I type in Blake's number and he picks up.

"Babe where are you I'm getting worried" he says.
"Help m-me, my l-lock-ker" my breathing unsteady.

The line goes dead and I realize he is coming.

I hear foot steps coming quickly from down the hall.

"No no no no brie, brie" I hear his panicked voice.

I open my eyes and see his worried expression.

"Brie, I'm going to pick you up okay? My dad is here" he assures me.

I feel him pick me up in his arms and then bend down again to pick my bag up.

He walks down to the entrance and out the doors.

I see Nash standing there and he turns around with a worried expression and comes running over.

"What happened?!" He asks Blake.
"I have no clue but I think Steven was involved"
"Who?" Nash asks.

"My bully" I intervene.

Nash motions for Blake to bring me over to the car.

Blake hands me over to his dad and he climbs and Nash lays me onto of him.

Nash gets in and start driving.

"Are you bringing us to my house?" I manage to speak out.
"Yeah" Nash answers.

Blake combs my hair with his fingers and stares down at me.

"Why?" I hear him whisper.
"I'm useless" I whisper hoping he doesn't hear.
"Brielle Amina Mendes don't you ever say that" Blake warns me with sympathy.

"We're here" Nash says.

Nash comes around to the back and picks me up and carries me to the door while Blake is behind.

He ringed the doorbell and I hear footsteps.

My dad opens the door and he looks at Nash with a smile then his smile quickly fades once he looks at me.

"Baby girl what happened?!" He asks and takes me from Nash.

He walks back in and sits on the couch and position's me into a hug.

"Was it steven?" I feel him tense.

I nod my head.

"He um he saw me packing and asked where I was going. I lied to him saying I was going to an appointment and he said he was going to have to make me late and then he went at me" I finish with tears.

Everyone stays quiet.

"Yes brie?"
"Can I go lay down with Blake?" I ask.

He nods and asks if I can stand.

I nod and try to stand up. My legs give out but I manage.

"Can you bring her up?" He asks Blake.

He comes over and picks me up and we head upstairs.

He walks into my room and he lays me down and he lays down next to me.

I snuggle up to him and he wraps his arm around me.

"You are the most beautiful, amazing, and loving girl I have ever met, why would he hurt you?" He mumbles.

He looks down at me and kisses my forehead.

Shawn's POV

"What the actual hell?!" I yell.
"Shawn calm down, answer this question; how long has this been going on?" Nash asks.
"She said since around seventh grade" I say.

We sit in silence.

"Home school" I speak up.
"What?" Nash asks.
"I'm going to talk to Brooklyn and see if we can enroll her into homeschooling" I say.
"Are you sure?" Nash says.
"If that is what it takes for her to be safe" I assure him.

"What about Blake?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"He loves brie, and her not being at school is going to kill him" he explains.

"Why don't you enroll him too?" I suggest.

Nash begins to think and nods his head.

"I guess I will. Should we go talk to them?"
"Yeah" I nod my head.

We head upstairs and open her door.

We look in and see them cuddled up with each other.

We go in and sit at the end of her bed.

"Guys we have something we want to talk to you both about" I start.

Well then!

I'm sorry if you are bothered with the bullying parts of this book but don't worry I purposely dont add to much detail, and there won't be that much more.


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