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Brielles POV

I'm out the door, and started doing my daily 5 minute walk to school.

I made sure before I left school, to cover up all the marks from the previous day.

I enter the school and slip my phone in my pocket and walk to my locker.

I open my locker and grab anything I need for my morning classes as quickly as I can so, I hope I don't run into Steven and his dreadful group.

I make my way to first period which is Social studies for me and enter the classroom.

I sit down in my assigned seat and grab my notebook and a pen because we are taking notes today.

I'm a bit early so, I take my phone out and see a notification from I message.

From dad;
Make sure you come home, no staying after. Love you.

To dad;
Alright. I wasn't planning on it anyways, love you too.


Soon enough social studies was over and it was time to go to my next period, art.

As I'm making my way down to art class, I try to come up with an excuse of why I didn't end up staying after school.

And to my luck, I reach Mr.Katzers class and sit in my seat.

The other people who sit with me soon enter the room and grab their seats as well.

After Mr.Katzer explains what we are doing, which is basically continuing our work from yesterday, he walks over to me.

"Brielle, how come you didn't come yesterday?" He says.
"Family issues, my dad told me to come home right after school. It was unexpectedly" I plainly state.
"Alright, if you want to stay after ever again, just tell me" he says with a smile and walks away.

"Class quiet down, I need to explain something" he begins to say. "While I was passing out your rough sketches, I began to see most of you don't know what you are drawing yet. The assignment is to draw a person, someone you look up to, idol, family member, anyone. You may carry on" he finishes.

"So Brie, do you know who you are doing now?" Kiley asks me.
"I don't know if this is stupid, but I was thinking of doing my dad" I say and tip my head down.
"That is not stupid in anyway. If I was as talented as you are I would totally do him, but that would be so cruel if I drew him" Lily laughs and I understand what she means.
"Yeah, you should do your dad, THE Shawn Mendes!" Ryan says and we all laugh.

We all get to work with our sketches and before we know it, art period is over.

We all start to pack up and clean, and after we are done we all stand up.

"We'll see you tomorrow Brie!" Ryan says.
"Same with you all" I say and smile.

I'm about to exit the classroom when Mr.Katzer speaks up.

"So I see you chose to draw your dad" he says.
"Yeah, he is someone I look up to" I say back.
"I think its wonderful, have a nice rest of the day" he smiles.
"Same with you" I say back.


Finally its lunch period!

There are two lunch periods in my school, and in this case I'm second period lunch.

I make my way down to the lunch room, and decide I'm not very hungry.

I decided that I was going to go outside and sit under the bleachers, because its quiet.

I grab my energy bar from this morning and start to eat it while I make my way down to the bleachers.

Once I reach them, I finished my bar and threw the paper away.

I turn back to face the bleachers and realize someone else is there.

Blake's POV

I decided that today I would go outside and sit under neath the bleachers because why not?

I make my way to them and sit down and pull my phone out and go on social media and such.

A couple minutes later I heard some footsteps coming towards them.

I lift my head up a bit and realize its the girl.

The girl I saved, that girl I helped from dying.

"I'm sorry, if I'm interrupting anything" she says softly.
"No, no its alright" I say calmly.

She sits down and takes her phone out.

I stare at her features: her smooth tan skin, the small freckles barley noticeable, her long brown hair, and her pink plump lips.

"Sorry to bother, but you look super familiar" she states.
"You do too, I'm Blake Grier" I say.
"Brielle Mendes" she says back.

Aw, Brielle. What a beautiful name.

"Uh thank you" she blushes.

My face turns red because she heard me, damn my loud speaking.

I move a but closer and turn towards her.

"Do you remember any event that happened yesterday?" I kindly ask.

She begins to think and gasps.

She moves to me and hugs me tight.

I start to hear small sniffs.

"Thank y-you so s-so much" she says between cries.

I hug her back tightly as well and she cuddles her head into my neck.

After a few, I pull back and look at her face.

I wipe the tears on her face off.

"Your welcome. I couldn't let you stay there. It broke my heart that someone so beautiful like you, has to go threw so much pain" I say.

I signal her to come over and she turns around and lays against me.

A bit later we began to take pictures and exchange numbers.

I found out she is in the 9th grade and is 14 turning 15 in April.

Soon we hear the bell ring and she looks down.

"I wish we could hang out still" she whispers softly barley audible.
"Call me whenever you need to, alright?"

She nods her head and we walk to our next classes.

Brielles POV

Blake, Blake, Blake....

He's fricking Nash Grier's son, what the hell.

His pricing blue eyes, and saved me.

I miss him already, he just knows me.

He understands me.


Hey everyone... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

So sorry for not posting on Friday and Saturday, it totally slipped my mind! But here I am updating Sunday and Monday just this weekend!!

So they finally meet again!

Please follow, comment, vote, and share!

Love you all my mendies!


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