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Cameron's POV

I've been spending the last half hour talking up a storm with Shawn.

"Hey, I'm going to go downstairs to check on them and to get food. Want anything?" I ask Shawn.
"Nah its fine thanks though" he says with a smile.

I leave his room and re close his door and begin to walk downstairs.

I step down the last stair and look over at Brie seeing her asleep on Blake and him awake.

"What have you been doing?" I ask quietly.
"Nothing much, just watching some of my dads old videos and then she fell asleep. So I just am on social media" he explains in a whisper.
"Take care of her" I say and I leave the room to the kitchen.

I look in the fridge and see they have some Starbuck frappés. I snatch one out of the fridge and head back into the living and sit down in a chair across from Blake and Brie.

"Hey, um could I uh talk to you?" Blake asks before I could say anything.
"Of course" I respond.
"I uh I"
"Don't worry whatever you need to say you can say and I'll keep it a secret do worry" I assure him.
"Ilikebrielle" he sash quick but quietly.

I understood what he said, this is great right? They both like each other but they just need to tell each other.

"What do I do?" He asks.
"Well, you could always talk to her" I suggest.

He nods his head and goes back to his phone and I do as well.

@camerondallas just confess and go on...

I hate when people sub tweet about things I don't know, but yet I do it myself. Eh whatever.

Brielle's POV



What? How? When?

Blake likes me back? Oh wait he doesn't know I like him, he likes me?

I pretend that I am still sleeping seeing if he reveals anything else, which he doesn't.

Will he confront me?

I don't know.

A wait a bit to see if I can fall back to sleep but can't, so I act as if I just woke up.

"Goodmorning sleepy head" Blake says while laughing.

Just like his dad's....

"Haha very funny" I say back, "hey cam!"
"What's Brie anything interesting in those dreams of yours?"
"Actually no" I say.

I get up and head to the kitchen to grab something to eat and j hear footsteps behind me.

I then feel arms wrap around me slightly which cause my to jump but then I realize it's Blake and soon relax.

"Woah there jumpy, it's just me" he coos.
"I know that know" I reply.

I grab the grape that I was grabbing before and grab a bowl to put them in.

I put them back and turn around to Blake.

"Wanna go upstairs?" I ask him.

He nods his head and we head back I into the living room.

"Cam we'll be upstairs if you need us," I say and we both head upstairs.

We walk into my bedroom and plop onto my bed.

Blake rests his back against the head board of my bed while I rest on him eating my grapes.

I grab my phone and click on Twitter.

While scrolling through I notice a tweet.

@ship.page blaelle #life

Excuse me?

I continue on but that tweet stays in the back of my head for the rest if the day.

"Brie?" I hear Blake say.

I turn my head around and face him.

"Yeah?" I ask.
"Can we talk?" He asks me.
"Of course"
"So I like this one girl but I don't know how to ask her out" he states.


"Well, you could straight out say it or doing something special" I pretend like I don't know it's me.
"Well, in that case. Brielle Amina Mendes will you do me the favor of being my beautiful girlfriend?" He asks.

My eyes grow wide and my mouth spreads to a huge smile.

"Blake, omg yes yes!" I say and tackle him into a hug.

I get up and so does he and when I turn around my lips meet his.

My first kiss....

I know I'm going to sound cheesy and all but literally sparks.

We pull apart and my cheeks turn red.

"I'm so sorry" he apologizes.
"Blake, don't apologize. I liked it" I say.

He pulls me into his arms and I hear a camera go off.

We turn around and I see my dad and Cameron standing there with goofy grind with both their phones out.

"My baby is growing up to fast!" My dad says, "don't hurt her, you hear me?" He turns to Blake.
"Of course sir"
"Call me Shawn" my dad says and I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Do you got anything to say?" I turn to Cameron.
"Same thing as your dad" and tries to wink without me noticing but I sure do see it.

"Shoo, shoo" I say and shove them out of my room.

Blake calls me over and I lay in his arms.

"I'm happy I got to become your hero. Your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I'm glad to finally call you mine" he says and kisses my head.

We sit there for a while and then my phone goes off.

@camerondallas sorry brie couldn't resist @brie_m
Insert photo of them hugging.

"Really cam" I say and screenshot it anyways.

I make it my background and then I look at Blake.

"What would've happened if you weren't there that day?" I ask him.
"Don't worry about that, focus on the future baby girl" (A/N 😭 Shawn and Brooklyn)

I lay my head back on his chest and think of what will come in the future.

"Inhale the future, exhale the past"

Well then, they are together!


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