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(Brielle above (I know she has blue eyes in the picture but I liked that girl, but remember brielle actually has brown)
Brielles POV

It is finally the last period of the day, but its math class, ugh!

The students enter the class and we all sit down in our assigned seats.

"Good afternoon class! Today we will be learning..." Mrs. Tember starts explaining.

45 minutes later

Okay, now it's finally the end of the day, but then I remember that I am staying after with Mr. Katzer.

For all you people out there that think we have a "thing" your wrong.

You see, since I get bullied and such, its hard for me to trust people.

The guidance teacher that I got assigned to for highschool, is rude.

She never listens to your full problem and gets straight to the answers. And the answers don't ever relate to your problem.

So, I never went back to her again. Instead, I like to talk to Mr. Katzer. No he doesn't know about my bullying, because then he would contact my parents and yada yada yada...

Its just nice to be able to trust someone in life for the first time in forever.

I walk to my locker, being the only student left besides a couple who need to pack up because everyone else rushed to their buses.

I open my locker and immediately after I open it, it gets knocked closed.

"Hey whore, what are you doing?" Steven smirks.
"Uh,um no-othing" I stutter.
"Did I say to speak?" His anger raises.
I nod my head no.

"Well, haven't hurt you all day, I guess its times"

My eyes grow in fear and this is when I realize, Mr. Katzer is going to be worried, might try to find me, my parents are going to be worried and might try to find me, just great!

He is the only one as of right now. He isn't with his group.

He backs me up into my locker and shoves me.

I land hard against my locker and wince in pain.

He punches my stomach over and over until I slide to the floor, keeping my eyes shut.

I feel a burning sensation on my cheek where he recently slapped me.

He whispers cruel words like: whore, slut, go die, bitch, ass.

He punches me a couple other times and looks down at me in satisfaction.

"Alright slut hope to see you soon" he says with a smirk and walks away.

I sit there, feeling ever part of my body hurt and finally be able to move my arm to feel my lip.

"He busted it up" I say to myself.

I see my phone a couple feet away from me and try to reach for it.

It took me awhile due to the pain but i finally reached it.

I see the time, 2:58pm

And realize, there's no time to go to Mr. Katzers and that I need to get home now.

I try to stand up, but it doesn't work out.

I hear a door shut and soon hear footsteps coming from a distance.

Blake's POV

I had to stay after today due to me getting extra help for math.

I close the door from the math room and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

I start to walk down the hall and soon hear whimpering.

I turn the corner, and my eyes grow wide.

I rush over to the beaten up girl and kneel down to her level.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Wh-hat happened?" I ask.
"Just daily beating, nothing much" she responds like she's use to this.
"You did this to you?" I ask worried.
"My bully" a tear slips from her eye.
"Do you need help?"
She nods her head yes.

I reach for her arm but she puts a finger up.

"Please, can you be gentle. And can you see how bad my stomach is?" She whimpers.
"Of course" I say and kneel back down.

I gently slide her tank top up and almost slip a tear.

Who would do this to her? Why would they do this'd to her?

"How b-bad is it?" She says.
"Bad" I respond.

Her stomach is filled up with purple and blue bruises.

"You need to get help" I say.
"I can't, then they will contact my parents" she looks so helpless.
"Let me being you to the nurse and then just tell them you will tell them when you get home" I suggest.

I gently pick her up but she still whimpers in pain.

"I'm so sorry"
"You didn't do this don't worry, I'm use to it"

I enter the nurses and her eyes grow big.

Brielles POV

"What happen dear?" She asks.
"Just you know so-" I get cut off.
"She got beat up" he states.
"Oh honey we will have to contact your parents" she says.
"Can I tell them what happened when I get home?" I hope.
"Yes, but make sure you do" she says back.

The boy that I didn't get his name, walks over and tells me to get better and that he has to go home or else his dad will be mad.

"Alright thank you"

He smiles and leaves.

The nurse wraps my stomach in gauze after looking at it and then cleans up my face.

I thank her and make my way back to my locker slowly due to being in pain.

I re open my locker and pack my things and by now its 3:13pm

Oh shit my dads going to kill me

I finish packing and try to make my way out the door fast but can't.

I start to walk home and pray my dad isn't in the living room.

But to my luck, he's sitting there on his phone when I open the door.

He rushed over to me and hugs me, and I wince.

"Brie where have you been, I've been worried"
"I lost track of time sorry" I say.
"What happened to your face?" He says looking at it.
"I uh I was playing rough today in uh uh gym" I say.

I could see that he really didn't believe me but let me go do my homework.

That got a but deep...oops.

Christmas is in 2 days!

Plz follow, comment, vote, and share!

Love you all my mendies!


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