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Brielle's pov
A couple weeks later...

Its currently Saturday a couple weeks later and I am sitting on my bed scrolling through Twitter.

1 new notification from @camerondallas

I hear the ding and click on it seeing what he posted.

@camerondallas it's been a while since I've seen my fav💕 @brie_m

Is he visiting soon? He needs to I haven't seen him in a while!

I click off of Twitter and go straight to iMessage and send him a text.

To cammy
Are you visiting soon?

I waited 2 minutes and I got no reply so I decided that I was going to go draw and watch/ listen to some YouTube.

I grab my laptop and search up YouTube and sign in.

I then decide to watch some of old magcons videos from years ago...

This will be fun!

Before I start the videos I go to my desk and grab my art supplies; sketch book, pencil, eraser, colored pencils, etc.

I grab my laptop and place it on my desk and click the play button to;
(Video in the media, above^^)

I started to sketch out the facial feature of the face by first adding guidelines to see where each other the features needed to go.

I decided that I was going to draw my "uncle" Cameron because he potentially might be visiting and I'm binge watching his videos.

Cameron is my uncle but, I call all the previous magcon boys my uncles even though they aren't blood related.

Im almost done with his face, finishing his eyes when I hear the video stop.

I look up from my sketch book and see the video ended so I went to his channel and found a new video;

I smile because when I saw Nash, I imaged Blake.

I finished his eyes and I smile at how far I have come with my art.

I look up for a minute and start laughing at cam screaming when not all the wax was removed. (A/n you should watch that vid above its hilarious!)

I put on another video and start working on his hair. I decided that I was only going to do a profile type of picture meaning it's from the chest up.


I hear my phone going off meaning I got a notification.

I unlock my phone and see I got a text from cam.

From cammy
I don't know.... I guess you'll have to wait and see! Love you!

Ugh! I should've of known he would do that.

1 hours later

Knock knock

"Come in!" I slightly yell.

"Brie it's 12 do you want some lunch?" I hear my moms voice.
"Yeah sure. Like what?" I ask.
"How about some pizza?" She asks.

I nod my head and she exits my room.

I turn back to my drawing and the last thing I have to do is finish coloring and shading his hair and skin.

I grab my colored pencils and get to work.

I have my dads vevo up on YouTube open and currently listening to one of his old songs bad reputation.

I hum along with it as I make my way to finishing this piece of work.

26 minutes later...

I am half way done with his skin and completely finished with his hair when my dad walks in.

"Brie the pizzas here" he says as he walks near me.

I hear him gasp and I then see him smile.

"That is amazing Brie!" He says and kisses my forehead.
"Is Cameron visiting us?" Hoping he will answer me.
"I'm not sure, but that is perfect!" He says and motions me to come downstairs to eat.

I shut my laptop close and exit my bedroom. I then walk downstairs with my dad and see the pizza on the kitchen counter.

"Hey mom" I say and sit down.

Brooklyns POV (guys I have missed her POV soooooo much you don't even know!!)

Cameron texted me a couple days ago planning on coming to our house to visit and surprise Brie for a couple weeks. I told Shawn the day after and he agreed with it.

After we eat, I am planning on waiting a few and then taking Brie to Starbucks, and that's where Cameron will meets us.

"Yesssssss chicken and broccoli pizza!" Brielle screams. (A/n it's good btw)

Shawn and I both look at eachother and then at her and laugh.

Brielle's POV

I finished eating and head upstairs to finish my drawing.

I sit at my desk and resume from where I ended earlier.

15 minutes later...


I put the finishing touch on it and I sigh in satisfaction.

"Brie! We are going to Starbucks lets go!" I hear my dad yell.

My eyes grow wide and I quickly close my laptop and run down the stairs.


They both nod.

We get in the car and head to Starbucks.

Cameron's POV

When I got the text Brielle sent me asking if I was visiting I wondered if b told her, but then again she could've gotten the hint from Twitter.

I am currently in Starbucks kinda blending in and waiting for Brie to show up.

I hear the door ring and see Brielle, b and Shawn walk in.

Brooklyn looks over and smiles and they head to the counter to order.

A bit has pasted and they were about to leave when Shawn told them they were going to stay and Brie nodded.

They sat in the booth behind me, so I snuck in next to Brielle.

She was currently looking down at her phone while sipping her coffee that she didn't even notice my presence.

I look up at Brooklyn and Shawn and they laugh to themselves.

I go on Twitter because I saw she was on there and tweeted out.

@camerondallas she's so clueless! @brie_m

I see her face form a confused look and look up and looks up at her dad.

My dad eyes me and then her head whips in my direction.

"CAMERON!!!" She screams and hugs me and hug back.
"I've missed you"
"Ive missed you too"
"And needed you..." She trails off.


Hello everyone! Hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to follow, vote, comment, and share to make sure you won't miss another update.

Love you all my mendies!


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