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Brielle's pov

Well the weekend is over... great!
That means...

You guessed it.. school.

Blake asked me out Saturday and I couldn't believe it. I am so happy and grateful.

I have to get ready so I sit up and bed and check if I got any new notifications.

3 messages from My Prince Charming
2 from Twitter
7 from instagram

I check my messages from Blake and I became so happy.

From Blake:
Good morning Princess!

I'll see you soon beautiful <3

I'm coming to your house soon!

To Blake:
Awe good morning to you too My Prince Charming! And I can't wait. I still need to get ready!

I place my phone on my bed and go to my closet and look through it.

I chose to wear a floral crop top paired with light washed jeans and a black cardigan. I then went and grabbed my 2 inch healed boots and put them on.

I went to the bathroom and decided to keep it down and do a half up half down look.

I put my top half of my hair in a top knot and left my hair curly on the bottom.

I go back to my room and grab my phone and walk out of my room to go downstairs.

"Good morning!" I say cheerfully.
"Well looks like someone is happy. Isn't it Monday?" My dad teases.
"Yes but that's not why I'm happy. Blake is coming to walk to school with me!'" I explain.

My dad made pancakes so I took one and some fruit and sat down at the table.

I wen through social media when I get a call.

Hey beautiful!
"Awe Blake"
So I am like 4 minutes away just a heads up.
"Alright I am just eating at the moment" I explain.
All right I will see you in like 2 minutes now
"Okay bye"

End of call..

I continue on with social media and the doorbell rings.

My dad gets up and runs to the door and answers it.

"Princess?" I hear Blake's voice.

I finished my breakfast and I stand up and go over to him.

"Awe I've missed you" I say.

I hug him and I hear a camera go off.

"Mom stop" I say.
"I can't help it!" She explains while laughing.

We both smile and I tell him I need to go get my stuff.

He said he would go with me and so we go upstairs.

"How much time do we have until we leave?" I ask him.
"6 minutes" he replies.

I nod my head and gather my things.

I feel warm arms drape around my waist and pull me close.

"Whatcha doing?" I laugh.

He starts to kiss me and so I hear footsteps coming toward my door.

We stop and I grab my backpack.

"Ki– oh never mind. Time to go" my dad says.

I kiss his cheek and say bye to my mom and we head out.

I slip my phone in my back pocket and Blake grabs my hand.

"I hope Steven won't do anything today because I am in a great mood for once in my life" I rant.
"Don't worry. If he messes with you he messes with me" he says and kisses my cheek.

I nod my head and we reach the school.

The bell rings signaling that we got to go to our lockers and head to homeroom.

"I'll see you at our spot okay?" He asks.
"Of course" I kiss his cheek and we spilt apart.

I head to my locker and grab my things and the second bell goes off telling us to go to our first period.

I head off to social studies and grab a seat.

When I walk in the seats are put into pairs but I don't think of anything at that moment.

I soon remember that Steven is in this class too. Oh great.

I hear footsteps come closer towards me while I'm on my phone and keep focusing on that.

That person sits next to me and I still continue to not notice.

I hear the door shut shortly after and put my phone away.

I then my head and see the devil grin plastered on, you guessed it Steven.

"Hey babe" his grin grows wider.
"Don't call me that" I respond.
"Excuse me?"
"I said to not call me that"
"And why is that?" This time he place his hand on my leg.
"Move you-our hand" I say through gritted teeth.
"Nah I like it here" his creepy grin some how grows even wider.

I raise my hand and ask if I could use the bathroom.

The teacher lets me and I almost run out of the room.

I go to the girls bathroom ad pull my phone out.

To Blake:

A couple minutes later.

From Blake:
What's wrong baby?

To Blake:
Um um I'll tell you at lunch

From Blake:
Your scaring me. But okay baby. 💕

I return to the classroom and I go to the teachers desk and ask if I could move. He said yes so I grabbed my stuff and moved to the table where a girl named Kaliey sits.

It's finally time for lunch thank god!

I place my stuff back in my locker and head down to the football field where the bleachers are located.

I see Blake and run up to him and he grasps me into a hug.

"Baby girl what happened?" He ask concerned.

I feel him tense so I give him a quick peak to tell him to calm down.

We head over to under the bleachers and sit down.

"When I headed to social studies the teacher moved the desks into pairs... not thinking about it I took a seat without a partner. Someone sat next to me but I didn't bother to look at who it was. The teacher came in and that's when I looked over and it was Steven. He called me babe an- and he um he touched m- my leg and kept it there" I feel a tear form but keep it from falling. "When I texted you was when I was in the bathroom and when I went back I asked to change seats" I finish.

Blake doesn't talk which worries me.

Is he planning on doing some thing?

"Babe please don't do anything" I plead him.
"I won't I promise"
"Can you sleep over today?" I ask.
"Probably let me call my dad" he responds.

OMG! Today 1/20 is the day that HAYES GRIER FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!!

Ayeeeee. I like them together.

Who do you like better?
Brooklyn and Shawn or Brielle and Blake?

Tough I know...

Love you all!

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