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when roses wither, the red leaves first– this means that when a heart breaks, the blood goes first– dripping from a wrist that still cries about holding your hands last. that means when i forget about you... it's going to leave a scar.

the skies always changing, just like people. the only difference? the sun and the moon stays the same, even if the appearance is slightly off, at least they keep my mornings warm and my nights less lonely. you? you're just gone. inconsistent change. a change that happens once. 

writing poetry, good poetry. not only does it require an honest heart, it also requires a knack for lying. how can i say i love you without really saying it? how can i make a stranger feel loved without knowing a thing about them? there's the lie. a lie so true that you'll believe me. i'm not much of a liar, but i'm good at it. why? because i'm an honest person. you never expect the honest man to lie to you. this is a reminder than people wear a lot of masks. watch more often. people watch, it's a skill. learn it. my introverted secret, won't you keep it safe? read my body gestures. look into my eyes. feel my silky soul. break my tender heart. and then ask me. was it all a lie?

people are not flowers, but they sure as hell feel like it. blossoming with a smile. dancing to music means the wind brought us together. a field of roses without a single thorn, you're happy because i'm pretty. love my hands, i'll hold you forever. press my love into a journal. dry my veins until my face is blue. now ask me, how long have i loved you. the answer is always with a trail of petals leading back to you.

i'm not perfect, i know that. that doesn't mean i haven't tried to make you feel perfect. from the places where you used to cut to the way you're still scarred from lips. from your nervous laughter that reminds me of when i used to know something about adoration to how i've been trying to laugh with you. from the last time we've been hurt to the next time we'll be hurt. i think you know my next line. you're beautiful even if they told you that you weren't. you're more lovely than i'll ever be.

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