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(a/n: happy new year readers!! i love you all and hope you have an amazing 2017.)

new year's eve and we are all
holding flutes of cheap champagne,
with people we don't know
or don't care for, or we wish we could
just leave behind with this year
and we are all toasting,
glasses raised above crooked halos.
here's to the friends we lost,
the friends that left us behind,
the friends we haven't met yet
and the friends that are bound
to be more than.
here's to the knives wedged
between shoulder blades
and blood slick ribs,
grazing our hearts as we breathe.
here's to the pain
that made us stronger.
here's to the resolutions we didn't keep,
the ones we will make again
and again and again,
but habits are hard to break.
here's to consistency.
here's to the lips we kissed,
bruised, bit, lavished
and all the lips we will come
in contact with in the future.
here's to love.
here's to the scars
and the pieces of ourselves
we had to cut off to make it,
the fractures of glass that we are leaving
in this hellhole of a year.
here's to the unknown,
the smiles and the tears and the laughs
we haven't had yet.
heres to next year, the new year,
hopefully it will be better
and we will learn just as much.

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