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    Dr. Kovarian walks with me down to Department C for my training. She's told me that I won't have to keep training for very long, that I'm almost ready to face the Doctor. I've asked her what will happen after I kill him, and she told me that we'd take his TARDIS, go back in time and save everyone, and then we'd see the Universe. "Remember what you've learned," she tells me. I nod, determined to make her proud. "Yes, ma'am." She smiles at me and brushes my hair out of my face. I flip it back slightly. She rolls her eyes. "I believe in you Kira." I smile back. "Thank you, Doctor Kovarian." She kisses my forehead, then opens the door and ushers me inside. I step in and see what I usually see in my first phase of training.

     They want me to know everything about the Doctor, so the before my motor skills were developed, they were teaching me about him. Before I was old enough to fight, I studied the Doctor and his past. So, when I step inside the sterilized white room, I see what I always see. A dalek and a lab technician standing in front of a hard chair. I take my seat and mentally roll my eyes. I know this information so well I could rattle it off in my sleep. To begin with, the technician takes my blood pressure, pulse, etc, to make sure that my levels don't get dangerous. My training always consists of two parts: mental and physical. 

     After the technician finishes, he presents me with some complicated puzzles designed by the Emperor himself. I've gotten better and faster at solving them, and now I'm always finished in under a minute. The Dalek times me, and this time it takes exactly thirty-four seconds. Next, the technician straps me to an electrolysis machine and the dalek interrogates me about the Doctor. For every question I get wrong, the technician shocks me. The voltage increases with every round. I've gotten to the point by now that I can answer even the most personal questions about the Doctor flawlessly. I'm a little proud, even though I'm not allowed to show it.

     The physical challenges are a lot more difficult. It makes the Iron Man competition looks like a Kindergarten Field day. First, I run 15 miles as a warm-up. I've gotten to a point where it's easy and I can keep my breathing steady. Next, I'm sent to the shooting range. All the targets are programmed to look like the Doctor and his companions. I go for three rounds with a gun, and three more with a bow and some arrows. Then they send me into a large room, the walls and floor covered with a special material. The technician injects a clear liquid into me, and within ten minutes, I'm in the middle of a hand-to-hand combat. After an hour of that, they toss me some sort of weapon and I continue until the drug they gave me wore off. Doctor Kovarian designed the drug itself, so it has no after-effect and is completely safe. Then they expect me to do five hundred pushups, three hundred sit-ups, and four hundred pull-ups. They time me for this, too. After I finish that, they send me to the shooting range again. By this time I'm completely exhausted, since I'm still human. They want to make sure I'm prepared to kill the Doctor no matter what state of mind or physical exhaustion I'm in when an oppurtunity is presented. I'm only sixteen, so if anyone thinks I'm weak, they can go straight to hell.

     I also fix the daleks whenever they malfunction, and the ships. I do it without a sonic screwdriver, so I fix wooden things too. I'm an excellent medic, and if I ever get injured I usually try to fix myself up before going to the hospital wing. After I complete my training each day I plan on how I'm going lure the Doctor and his companions to the Dalek Fleet. I've got a plan outlined in my head. It'll be pretty easy to lure him and the companions to the fleet. I'm confident that I can draw my gun in time to kill him in the middle of regeneration too. It might be hard with his companions trying to stop me, but I can always take them out too. 

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