The Doctor

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     When I woke up, I had a splitting headache and was freezing. I found Amy, Rory, and River in the cyrochambers next to me, still asleep, and a latter addressed to me. I opened it and began to read, holding my head in one hand. As I read it, my headache faded, and I was ready to rip the ship apart trying to Kira, but she knew just like I did that I wouldn't. Amy, Rory, and River began to wake up, and I noticed the small duffel bag in the corner. I opened it and it contained clothes for each of us. 

     Just then, the doors to the cyrochambers opened. I handed the clothes out, and told them what Kira had instructed me to tell then. I told them that when I scanned Belladonna with the TARDIS, that I found out she was an Avatar and had a tracking device implanted in her forearm. I felt sick as I told them this, but I had to. I told them that when Kira injected us, I had reprogrammed Belladonna to swich them when they weren't paying attention, and I had her drug everyone's drinks with sleeping pills and program the daleks for shut down. 

     No one really questioned me, and I think they just wanted to go home. I escorted everyone to the TARDIS, just like the instructions told me too. I boarded last, looking over the dalek fleet, my hearts heavy. I knew I'd never see my little girl again, and I'd never get to know her. I walked in and went to the console immediately, flicking a few switches. When no one could see, I wiped away a tear.

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